path: root/cryptopp562/rsa.cpp
diff options
authorMalfurious <>2024-10-21 11:09:00 -0400
committerMalfurious <>2024-10-24 06:41:41 -0400
commit5494fc310acf0aabb9d828451331e44483eb21c7 (patch)
tree77280a586d52470fca89b9ed73f5f1faaf7907c6 /cryptopp562/rsa.cpp
parent428471d39fb8c205a9fad899c88c30a2cb7df685 (diff)
Remove Crypto++ library
The tracked version of Crypto++ is going on 10 years old and doesn't always compile properly on modern tooling. This removes the entire subdirectory as well as references to files in the build script. Due to the number of files touched by this commit, I opt to add its replacement in the next commit. Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
Diffstat (limited to 'cryptopp562/rsa.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 304 deletions
diff --git a/cryptopp562/rsa.cpp b/cryptopp562/rsa.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 59449c4..0000000
--- a/cryptopp562/rsa.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-// rsa.cpp - written and placed in the public domain by Wei Dai
-#include "pch.h"
-#include "rsa.h"
-#include "asn.h"
-#include "oids.h"
-#include "modarith.h"
-#include "nbtheory.h"
-#include "sha.h"
-#include "algparam.h"
-#include "fips140.h"
-#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(CRYPTOPP_IS_DLL)
-#include "pssr.h"
-void RSA_TestInstantiations()
- RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Verifier x1(1, 1);
- RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Signer x2(NullRNG(), 1);
- RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Verifier x3(x2);
- RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Verifier x4(x2.GetKey());
- RSASS<PSS, SHA>::Verifier x5(x3);
-#ifndef __MWERKS__
- RSASS<PSSR, SHA>::Signer x6 = x2;
- x3 = x2;
- x6 = x2;
- RSAES<PKCS1v15>::Encryptor x7(x2);
-#ifndef __GNUC__
- RSAES<PKCS1v15>::Encryptor x8(x3);
- RSAES<OAEP<SHA> >::Encryptor x9(x2);
- x4 = x2.GetKey();
-OID RSAFunction::GetAlgorithmID() const
- return ASN1::rsaEncryption();
-void RSAFunction::BERDecodePublicKey(BufferedTransformation &bt, bool, size_t)
- BERSequenceDecoder seq(bt);
- m_n.BERDecode(seq);
- m_e.BERDecode(seq);
- seq.MessageEnd();
-void RSAFunction::DEREncodePublicKey(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
- DERSequenceEncoder seq(bt);
- m_n.DEREncode(seq);
- m_e.DEREncode(seq);
- seq.MessageEnd();
-Integer RSAFunction::ApplyFunction(const Integer &x) const
- DoQuickSanityCheck();
- return a_exp_b_mod_c(x, m_e, m_n);
-bool RSAFunction::Validate(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int level) const
- bool pass = true;
- pass = pass && m_n > Integer::One() && m_n.IsOdd();
- pass = pass && m_e > Integer::One() && m_e.IsOdd() && m_e < m_n;
- return pass;
-bool RSAFunction::GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const
- return GetValueHelper(this, name, valueType, pValue).Assignable()
- ;
-void RSAFunction::AssignFrom(const NameValuePairs &source)
- AssignFromHelper(this, source)
- ;
-// *****************************************************************************
-class RSAPrimeSelector : public PrimeSelector
- RSAPrimeSelector(const Integer &e) : m_e(e) {}
- bool IsAcceptable(const Integer &candidate) const {return RelativelyPrime(m_e, candidate-Integer::One());}
- Integer m_e;
-void InvertibleRSAFunction::GenerateRandom(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs &alg)
- int modulusSize = 2048;
- alg.GetIntValue(Name::ModulusSize(), modulusSize) || alg.GetIntValue(Name::KeySize(), modulusSize);
- if (modulusSize < 16)
- throw InvalidArgument("InvertibleRSAFunction: specified modulus size is too small");
- m_e = alg.GetValueWithDefault(Name::PublicExponent(), Integer(17));
- if (m_e < 3 || m_e.IsEven())
- throw InvalidArgument("InvertibleRSAFunction: invalid public exponent");
- RSAPrimeSelector selector(m_e);
- AlgorithmParameters primeParam = MakeParametersForTwoPrimesOfEqualSize(modulusSize)
- (Name::PointerToPrimeSelector(), selector.GetSelectorPointer());
- m_p.GenerateRandom(rng, primeParam);
- m_q.GenerateRandom(rng, primeParam);
- m_d = m_e.InverseMod(LCM(m_p-1, m_q-1));
- assert(m_d.IsPositive());
- m_dp = m_d % (m_p-1);
- m_dq = m_d % (m_q-1);
- m_n = m_p * m_q;
- m_u = m_q.InverseMod(m_p);
- if (FIPS_140_2_ComplianceEnabled())
- {
- RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Signer signer(*this);
- RSASS<PKCS1v15, SHA>::Verifier verifier(signer);
- SignaturePairwiseConsistencyTest_FIPS_140_Only(signer, verifier);
- RSAES<OAEP<SHA> >::Decryptor decryptor(*this);
- RSAES<OAEP<SHA> >::Encryptor encryptor(decryptor);
- EncryptionPairwiseConsistencyTest_FIPS_140_Only(encryptor, decryptor);
- }
-void InvertibleRSAFunction::Initialize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int keybits, const Integer &e)
- GenerateRandom(rng, MakeParameters(Name::ModulusSize(), (int)keybits)(Name::PublicExponent(), e+e.IsEven()));
-void InvertibleRSAFunction::Initialize(const Integer &n, const Integer &e, const Integer &d)
- if (n.IsEven() || e.IsEven() | d.IsEven())
- throw InvalidArgument("InvertibleRSAFunction: input is not a valid RSA private key");
- m_n = n;
- m_e = e;
- m_d = d;
- Integer r = --(d*e);
- unsigned int s = 0;
- while (r.IsEven())
- {
- r >>= 1;
- s++;
- }
- ModularArithmetic modn(n);
- for (Integer i = 2; ; ++i)
- {
- Integer a = modn.Exponentiate(i, r);
- if (a == 1)
- continue;
- Integer b;
- unsigned int j = 0;
- while (a != n-1)
- {
- b = modn.Square(a);
- if (b == 1)
- {
- m_p = GCD(a-1, n);
- m_q = n/m_p;
- m_dp = m_d % (m_p-1);
- m_dq = m_d % (m_q-1);
- m_u = m_q.InverseMod(m_p);
- return;
- }
- if (++j == s)
- throw InvalidArgument("InvertibleRSAFunction: input is not a valid RSA private key");
- a = b;
- }
- }
-void InvertibleRSAFunction::BERDecodePrivateKey(BufferedTransformation &bt, bool, size_t)
- BERSequenceDecoder privateKey(bt);
- word32 version;
- BERDecodeUnsigned<word32>(privateKey, version, INTEGER, 0, 0); // check version
- m_n.BERDecode(privateKey);
- m_e.BERDecode(privateKey);
- m_d.BERDecode(privateKey);
- m_p.BERDecode(privateKey);
- m_q.BERDecode(privateKey);
- m_dp.BERDecode(privateKey);
- m_dq.BERDecode(privateKey);
- m_u.BERDecode(privateKey);
- privateKey.MessageEnd();
-void InvertibleRSAFunction::DEREncodePrivateKey(BufferedTransformation &bt) const
- DERSequenceEncoder privateKey(bt);
- DEREncodeUnsigned<word32>(privateKey, 0); // version
- m_n.DEREncode(privateKey);
- m_e.DEREncode(privateKey);
- m_d.DEREncode(privateKey);
- m_p.DEREncode(privateKey);
- m_q.DEREncode(privateKey);
- m_dp.DEREncode(privateKey);
- m_dq.DEREncode(privateKey);
- m_u.DEREncode(privateKey);
- privateKey.MessageEnd();
-Integer InvertibleRSAFunction::CalculateInverse(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &x) const
- DoQuickSanityCheck();
- ModularArithmetic modn(m_n);
- Integer r, rInv;
- do { // do this in a loop for people using small numbers for testing
- r.Randomize(rng, Integer::One(), m_n - Integer::One());
- rInv = modn.MultiplicativeInverse(r);
- } while (rInv.IsZero());
- Integer re = modn.Exponentiate(r, m_e);
- re = modn.Multiply(re, x); // blind
- // here we follow the notation of PKCS #1 and let u=q inverse mod p
- // but in ModRoot, u=p inverse mod q, so we reverse the order of p and q
- Integer y = ModularRoot(re, m_dq, m_dp, m_q, m_p, m_u);
- y = modn.Multiply(y, rInv); // unblind
- if (modn.Exponentiate(y, m_e) != x) // check
- throw Exception(Exception::OTHER_ERROR, "InvertibleRSAFunction: computational error during private key operation");
- return y;
-bool InvertibleRSAFunction::Validate(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, unsigned int level) const
- bool pass = RSAFunction::Validate(rng, level);
- pass = pass && m_p > Integer::One() && m_p.IsOdd() && m_p < m_n;
- pass = pass && m_q > Integer::One() && m_q.IsOdd() && m_q < m_n;
- pass = pass && m_d > Integer::One() && m_d.IsOdd() && m_d < m_n;
- pass = pass && m_dp > Integer::One() && m_dp.IsOdd() && m_dp < m_p;
- pass = pass && m_dq > Integer::One() && m_dq.IsOdd() && m_dq < m_q;
- pass = pass && m_u.IsPositive() && m_u < m_p;
- if (level >= 1)
- {
- pass = pass && m_p * m_q == m_n;
- pass = pass && m_e*m_d % LCM(m_p-1, m_q-1) == 1;
- pass = pass && m_dp == m_d%(m_p-1) && m_dq == m_d%(m_q-1);
- pass = pass && m_u * m_q % m_p == 1;
- }
- if (level >= 2)
- pass = pass && VerifyPrime(rng, m_p, level-2) && VerifyPrime(rng, m_q, level-2);
- return pass;
-bool InvertibleRSAFunction::GetVoidValue(const char *name, const std::type_info &valueType, void *pValue) const
- return GetValueHelper<RSAFunction>(this, name, valueType, pValue).Assignable()
- CRYPTOPP_GET_FUNCTION_ENTRY(MultiplicativeInverseOfPrime2ModPrime1)
- ;
-void InvertibleRSAFunction::AssignFrom(const NameValuePairs &source)
- AssignFromHelper<RSAFunction>(this, source)
- CRYPTOPP_SET_FUNCTION_ENTRY(MultiplicativeInverseOfPrime2ModPrime1)
- ;
-// *****************************************************************************
-Integer RSAFunction_ISO::ApplyFunction(const Integer &x) const
- Integer t = RSAFunction::ApplyFunction(x);
- return t % 16 == 12 ? t : m_n - t;
-Integer InvertibleRSAFunction_ISO::CalculateInverse(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &x) const
- Integer t = InvertibleRSAFunction::CalculateInverse(rng, x);
- return STDMIN(t, m_n-t);