path: root/cryptopp562/integer.h
diff options
authorMalfurious <>2024-10-21 11:09:00 -0400
committerMalfurious <>2024-10-24 06:41:41 -0400
commit5494fc310acf0aabb9d828451331e44483eb21c7 (patch)
tree77280a586d52470fca89b9ed73f5f1faaf7907c6 /cryptopp562/integer.h
parent428471d39fb8c205a9fad899c88c30a2cb7df685 (diff)
Remove Crypto++ library
The tracked version of Crypto++ is going on 10 years old and doesn't always compile properly on modern tooling. This removes the entire subdirectory as well as references to files in the build script. Due to the number of files touched by this commit, I opt to add its replacement in the next commit. Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
Diffstat (limited to 'cryptopp562/integer.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 420 deletions
diff --git a/cryptopp562/integer.h b/cryptopp562/integer.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d844fa..0000000
--- a/cryptopp562/integer.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,420 +0,0 @@
-/** \file */
-#include "cryptlib.h"
-#include "secblock.h"
-#include <iosfwd>
-#include <algorithm>
-struct InitializeInteger // used to initialize static variables
- InitializeInteger();
-typedef SecBlock<word, AllocatorWithCleanup<word, CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X86> > IntegerSecBlock;
-//! multiple precision integer and basic arithmetics
-/*! This class can represent positive and negative integers
- with absolute value less than (256**sizeof(word)) ** (256**sizeof(int)).
- \nosubgrouping
-class CRYPTOPP_DLL Integer : private InitializeInteger, public ASN1Object
- //@{
- //! division by zero exception
- class DivideByZero : public Exception
- {
- public:
- DivideByZero() : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, "Integer: division by zero") {}
- };
- //!
- class RandomNumberNotFound : public Exception
- {
- public:
- RandomNumberNotFound() : Exception(OTHER_ERROR, "Integer: no integer satisfies the given parameters") {}
- };
- //!
- enum Sign {POSITIVE=0, NEGATIVE=1};
- //!
- enum Signedness {
- //!
- //!
- //!
- enum RandomNumberType {
- //!
- ANY,
- //!
- //@}
- //! \name CREATORS
- //@{
- //! creates the zero integer
- Integer();
- //! copy constructor
- Integer(const Integer& t);
- //! convert from signed long
- Integer(signed long value);
- //! convert from lword
- Integer(Sign s, lword value);
- //! convert from two words
- Integer(Sign s, word highWord, word lowWord);
- //! convert from string
- /*! str can be in base 2, 8, 10, or 16. Base is determined by a
- case insensitive suffix of 'h', 'o', or 'b'. No suffix means base 10.
- */
- explicit Integer(const char *str);
- explicit Integer(const wchar_t *str);
- //! convert from big-endian byte array
- Integer(const byte *encodedInteger, size_t byteCount, Signedness s=UNSIGNED);
- //! convert from big-endian form stored in a BufferedTransformation
- Integer(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t byteCount, Signedness s=UNSIGNED);
- //! convert from BER encoded byte array stored in a BufferedTransformation object
- explicit Integer(BufferedTransformation &bt);
- //! create a random integer
- /*! The random integer created is uniformly distributed over [0, 2**bitcount). */
- Integer(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t bitcount);
- //! avoid calling constructors for these frequently used integers
- static const Integer & CRYPTOPP_API Zero();
- //! avoid calling constructors for these frequently used integers
- static const Integer & CRYPTOPP_API One();
- //! avoid calling constructors for these frequently used integers
- static const Integer & CRYPTOPP_API Two();
- //! create a random integer of special type
- /*! Ideally, the random integer created should be uniformly distributed
- over {x | min <= x <= max and x is of rnType and x % mod == equiv}.
- However the actual distribution may not be uniform because sequential
- search is used to find an appropriate number from a random starting
- point.
- May return (with very small probability) a pseudoprime when a prime
- is requested and max > lastSmallPrime*lastSmallPrime (lastSmallPrime
- is declared in nbtheory.h).
- \throw RandomNumberNotFound if the set is empty.
- */
- Integer(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max, RandomNumberType rnType=ANY, const Integer &equiv=Zero(), const Integer &mod=One());
- //! return the integer 2**e
- static Integer CRYPTOPP_API Power2(size_t e);
- //@}
- //! \name ENCODE/DECODE
- //@{
- //! minimum number of bytes to encode this integer
- /*! MinEncodedSize of 0 is 1 */
- size_t MinEncodedSize(Signedness=UNSIGNED) const;
- //! encode in big-endian format
- /*! unsigned means encode absolute value, signed means encode two's complement if negative.
- if outputLen < MinEncodedSize, the most significant bytes will be dropped
- if outputLen > MinEncodedSize, the most significant bytes will be padded
- */
- void Encode(byte *output, size_t outputLen, Signedness=UNSIGNED) const;
- //!
- void Encode(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t outputLen, Signedness=UNSIGNED) const;
- //! encode using Distinguished Encoding Rules, put result into a BufferedTransformation object
- void DEREncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const;
- //! encode absolute value as big-endian octet string
- void DEREncodeAsOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t length) const;
- //! encode absolute value in OpenPGP format, return length of output
- size_t OpenPGPEncode(byte *output, size_t bufferSize) const;
- //! encode absolute value in OpenPGP format, put result into a BufferedTransformation object
- size_t OpenPGPEncode(BufferedTransformation &bt) const;
- //!
- void Decode(const byte *input, size_t inputLen, Signedness=UNSIGNED);
- //!
- //* Precondition: bt.MaxRetrievable() >= inputLen
- void Decode(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t inputLen, Signedness=UNSIGNED);
- //!
- void BERDecode(const byte *input, size_t inputLen);
- //!
- void BERDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt);
- //! decode nonnegative value as big-endian octet string
- void BERDecodeAsOctetString(BufferedTransformation &bt, size_t length);
- class OpenPGPDecodeErr : public Exception
- {
- public:
- OpenPGPDecodeErr() : Exception(INVALID_DATA_FORMAT, "OpenPGP decode error") {}
- };
- //!
- void OpenPGPDecode(const byte *input, size_t inputLen);
- //!
- void OpenPGPDecode(BufferedTransformation &bt);
- //@}
- //! \name ACCESSORS
- //@{
- //! return true if *this can be represented as a signed long
- bool IsConvertableToLong() const;
- //! return equivalent signed long if possible, otherwise undefined
- signed long ConvertToLong() const;
- //! number of significant bits = floor(log2(abs(*this))) + 1
- unsigned int BitCount() const;
- //! number of significant bytes = ceiling(BitCount()/8)
- unsigned int ByteCount() const;
- //! number of significant words = ceiling(ByteCount()/sizeof(word))
- unsigned int WordCount() const;
- //! return the i-th bit, i=0 being the least significant bit
- bool GetBit(size_t i) const;
- //! return the i-th byte
- byte GetByte(size_t i) const;
- //! return n lowest bits of *this >> i
- lword GetBits(size_t i, size_t n) const;
- //!
- bool IsZero() const {return !*this;}
- //!
- bool NotZero() const {return !IsZero();}
- //!
- bool IsNegative() const {return sign == NEGATIVE;}
- //!
- bool NotNegative() const {return !IsNegative();}
- //!
- bool IsPositive() const {return NotNegative() && NotZero();}
- //!
- bool NotPositive() const {return !IsPositive();}
- //!
- bool IsEven() const {return GetBit(0) == 0;}
- //!
- bool IsOdd() const {return GetBit(0) == 1;}
- //@}
- //! \name MANIPULATORS
- //@{
- //!
- Integer& operator=(const Integer& t);
- //!
- Integer& operator+=(const Integer& t);
- //!
- Integer& operator-=(const Integer& t);
- //!
- Integer& operator*=(const Integer& t) {return *this = Times(t);}
- //!
- Integer& operator/=(const Integer& t) {return *this = DividedBy(t);}
- //!
- Integer& operator%=(const Integer& t) {return *this = Modulo(t);}
- //!
- Integer& operator/=(word t) {return *this = DividedBy(t);}
- //!
- Integer& operator%=(word t) {return *this = Integer(POSITIVE, 0, Modulo(t));}
- //!
- Integer& operator<<=(size_t);
- //!
- Integer& operator>>=(size_t);
- //!
- void Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, size_t bitcount);
- //!
- void Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max);
- //! set this Integer to a random element of {x | min <= x <= max and x is of rnType and x % mod == equiv}
- /*! returns false if the set is empty */
- bool Randomize(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const Integer &min, const Integer &max, RandomNumberType rnType, const Integer &equiv=Zero(), const Integer &mod=One());
- bool GenerateRandomNoThrow(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs &params = g_nullNameValuePairs);
- void GenerateRandom(RandomNumberGenerator &rng, const NameValuePairs &params = g_nullNameValuePairs)
- {
- if (!GenerateRandomNoThrow(rng, params))
- throw RandomNumberNotFound();
- }
- //! set the n-th bit to value
- void SetBit(size_t n, bool value=1);
- //! set the n-th byte to value
- void SetByte(size_t n, byte value);
- //!
- void Negate();
- //!
- void SetPositive() {sign = POSITIVE;}
- //!
- void SetNegative() {if (!!(*this)) sign = NEGATIVE;}
- //!
- void swap(Integer &a);
- //@}
- //@{
- //!
- bool operator!() const;
- //!
- Integer operator+() const {return *this;}
- //!
- Integer operator-() const;
- //!
- Integer& operator++();
- //!
- Integer& operator--();
- //!
- Integer operator++(int) {Integer temp = *this; ++*this; return temp;}
- //!
- Integer operator--(int) {Integer temp = *this; --*this; return temp;}
- //@}
- //@{
- //! signed comparison
- /*! \retval -1 if *this < a
- \retval 0 if *this = a
- \retval 1 if *this > a
- */
- int Compare(const Integer& a) const;
- //!
- Integer Plus(const Integer &b) const;
- //!
- Integer Minus(const Integer &b) const;
- //!
- Integer Times(const Integer &b) const;
- //!
- Integer DividedBy(const Integer &b) const;
- //!
- Integer Modulo(const Integer &b) const;
- //!
- Integer DividedBy(word b) const;
- //!
- word Modulo(word b) const;
- //!
- Integer operator>>(size_t n) const {return Integer(*this)>>=n;}
- //!
- Integer operator<<(size_t n) const {return Integer(*this)<<=n;}
- //@}
- //@{
- //!
- Integer AbsoluteValue() const;
- //!
- Integer Doubled() const {return Plus(*this);}
- //!
- Integer Squared() const {return Times(*this);}
- //! extract square root, if negative return 0, else return floor of square root
- Integer SquareRoot() const;
- //! return whether this integer is a perfect square
- bool IsSquare() const;
- //! is 1 or -1
- bool IsUnit() const;
- //! return inverse if 1 or -1, otherwise return 0
- Integer MultiplicativeInverse() const;
- //! modular multiplication
- CRYPTOPP_DLL friend Integer CRYPTOPP_API a_times_b_mod_c(const Integer &x, const Integer& y, const Integer& m);
- //! modular exponentiation
- CRYPTOPP_DLL friend Integer CRYPTOPP_API a_exp_b_mod_c(const Integer &x, const Integer& e, const Integer& m);
- //! calculate r and q such that (a == d*q + r) && (0 <= r < abs(d))
- static void CRYPTOPP_API Divide(Integer &r, Integer &q, const Integer &a, const Integer &d);
- //! use a faster division algorithm when divisor is short
- static void CRYPTOPP_API Divide(word &r, Integer &q, const Integer &a, word d);
- //! returns same result as Divide(r, q, a, Power2(n)), but faster
- static void CRYPTOPP_API DivideByPowerOf2(Integer &r, Integer &q, const Integer &a, unsigned int n);
- //! greatest common divisor
- static Integer CRYPTOPP_API Gcd(const Integer &a, const Integer &n);
- //! calculate multiplicative inverse of *this mod n
- Integer InverseMod(const Integer &n) const;
- //!
- word InverseMod(word n) const;
- //@}
- //! \name INPUT/OUTPUT
- //@{
- //!
- friend CRYPTOPP_DLL std::istream& CRYPTOPP_API operator>>(std::istream& in, Integer &a);
- //!
- friend CRYPTOPP_DLL std::ostream& CRYPTOPP_API operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Integer &a);
- //@}
- friend class ModularArithmetic;
- friend class MontgomeryRepresentation;
- friend class HalfMontgomeryRepresentation;
- Integer(word value, size_t length);
- int PositiveCompare(const Integer &t) const;
- friend void PositiveAdd(Integer &sum, const Integer &a, const Integer &b);
- friend void PositiveSubtract(Integer &diff, const Integer &a, const Integer &b);
- friend void PositiveMultiply(Integer &product, const Integer &a, const Integer &b);
- friend void PositiveDivide(Integer &remainder, Integer &quotient, const Integer &dividend, const Integer &divisor);
- IntegerSecBlock reg;
- Sign sign;
-inline bool operator==(const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)==0;}
-inline bool operator!=(const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)!=0;}
-inline bool operator> (const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)> 0;}
-inline bool operator>=(const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)>=0;}
-inline bool operator< (const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)< 0;}
-inline bool operator<=(const CryptoPP::Integer& a, const CryptoPP::Integer& b) {return a.Compare(b)<=0;}
-inline CryptoPP::Integer operator+(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.Plus(b);}
-inline CryptoPP::Integer operator-(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.Minus(b);}
-inline CryptoPP::Integer operator*(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.Times(b);}
-inline CryptoPP::Integer operator/(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.DividedBy(b);}
-inline CryptoPP::Integer operator%(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, const CryptoPP::Integer &b) {return a.Modulo(b);}
-inline CryptoPP::Integer operator/(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, CryptoPP::word b) {return a.DividedBy(b);}
-inline CryptoPP::word operator%(const CryptoPP::Integer &a, CryptoPP::word b) {return a.Modulo(b);}
-#ifndef __BORLANDC__
-inline void swap(CryptoPP::Integer &a, CryptoPP::Integer &b)
- a.swap(b);