dot_git="" cwd="" remote="" in_current_dir() { local wd="$(pwd)" if [[ "$wd" == $cwd ]]; then cwd="$wd" return 0 else cwd="$wd" return 1 fi } echodebug() { echo "$@" 1>&2 } debug_print() { local debug=$1 local message=$2 if [[ $debug == "debug" ]]; then echo $message fi } dot_git() { if in_current_dir && [[ -n "$dot_git" ]]; then # cache dot_git to save calls to rev-parse echo $dot_git elif [ -d .git ]; then dot_git=".git" echo $dot_git else dot_git="$(git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)" echo $dot_git fi } is_repo() { if [[ -n "$(dot_git)" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } git_root() { if [ -d .git ]; then echo "$(pwd)" else echo "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null)" fi } record_timestamp() { if is_repo; then touch "$(dot_git)/lastupdatetime" fi } timestamp() { if is_repo; then echo "$(stat -f%m "$(dot_git)/lastupdatetime" 2>/dev/null || echo "0")" fi } time_now() { echo "$(date +%s)" } time_to_update() { if is_repo; then local timesincelastupdate="$(($(time_now) - $(timestamp)))" local fiveminutes="$((5 * 60))" if (( $timesincelastupdate > $fiveminutes )); then # time to update return 0 (which is true) return 0 else # not time to update return 1 (which is false) return 1 fi else return 1 fi } fetch() { if time_to_update; then record_timestamp git fetch --quiet > /dev/null 2>&1 fi } commit_short_sha() { if is_repo; then echo "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" fi } branch_name() { name="$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD 2>/dev/null)" retcode="$?" if [[ "$retcode" == "0" ]]; then echo "$name" else return 1 fi } branch_ref() { if is_repo; then echo "$(branch_name || commit_short_sha)" fi } readable_branch_name() { if is_repo; then echo "$(branch_name || echo "detached@$(commit_short_sha)")" fi } remote_branch_name() { local localRef="$(branch_name)" if [[ -n "$localRef" ]]; then local remoteBranch="$(git for-each-ref --format='%(upstream:short)' refs/heads $localRef 2>/dev/null | grep $localRef)" if [[ -n $remoteBranch ]]; then echo $remoteBranch return 0 else return 1 fi fi } commits_behind_of_remote() { remote_branch=${1:-"$(remote_branch_name)"} if [[ -n "$remote_branch" ]]; then set -- set -- $(git rev-list --left-right --count ${remote_branch}...HEAD) behind=$1 ahead=$2 set -- echo $behind else echo "0" fi } commits_ahead_of_remote() { remote_branch=${1:-"$(remote_branch_name)"} if [[ -n "$remote_branch" ]]; then set -- set -- $(git rev-list --left-right --count ${remote_branch}...HEAD) behind=$1 ahead=$2 set -- echo $ahead else echo "0" fi } remote_behind_of_master() { remote_branch=${1:-"$(remote_branch_name)"} tracked_remote="origin/master" if [[ -n "$remote_branch" && "$remote_branch" != "$tracked_remote" ]]; then set -- set -- $(git rev-list --left-right --count origin/master...${remote_branch}) behind=$1 ahead=$2 set -- echo $behind else echo "0" fi } remote_ahead_of_master() { remote_branch=${1:-"$(remote_branch_name)"} tracked_remote="origin/master" if [[ -n "$remote_branch" && "$remote_branch" != "$tracked_remote" ]]; then set -- set -- $(git rev-list --left-right --count origin/master...${remote_branch}) behind=$1 ahead=$2 set -- echo $ahead else echo "0" fi } added="A%{$reset_color%}" modified="M%{$reset_color%}" deleted="D%{$reset_color%}" renamed="R%{$reset_color%}" us="U%{$reset_color%}" them="T%{$reset_color%}" both="B%{$reset_color%}" staged="%{$fg_bold[green]%}" unstaged="%{$fg_bold[red]%}" conflicted="%{$fg_bold[yellow]%}" untracked="%{$fg_bold[white]%}" is_dirty() { if ! git rev-parse 2>&1/dev/null; then #not in repo, thus not dirty return 1 else #in repo, might be dirty if [[ -n "$(git ls-files --exclude-standard --others 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then #untracked files thus dirty return 0 else #no untracked files if git show HEAD -- 2>&1/dev/null; then #has a commit hash, thus not on an initial commit if ! git diff --quiet --ignore-submodules HEAD -- 2>&1/dev/null; then #has differences thus dirty return 0 else return 1 fi else #no commit hash, thus can't use HEAD. #As it's inital commit we can just list the files. if [[ -n "$(ls -a -1 "$(git_root)" | grep -Ev '(\.|\.\.|\.git)')" ]]; then #files listed and no commit hash, thus changes return 0 else return 1 fi fi fi fi } porcelain_status() { echo "$(git status --porcelain 2>/dev/null)" } staged_status() { local gitStatus=${1:-"$(porcelain_status)"} local staged_string="" local filesModified="$(echo "$gitStatus" | grep -p "M[A|M|C|D|U|R ] " | wc -l | grep -oEi '[1-9][0-9]*')" local filesAdded="$(echo "$gitStatus" | grep -p "A[A|M|C|D|U|R ] " | wc -l | grep -oEi '[1-9][0-9]*')" local filesDeleted="$(echo "$gitStatus" | grep -p "D[A|M|C|D|U|R ] " | wc -l | grep -oEi '[1-9][0-9]*')" local filesRenamed="$(echo "$gitStatus" | grep -p "R[A|M|C|D|U|R ] " | wc -l | grep -oEi '[1-9][0-9]*')" if [ -n "$filesAdded" ]; then staged_string="$staged_string$filesAdded$staged$added" fi if [ -n "$filesDeleted" ]; then staged_string="$staged_string$filesDeleted$staged$deleted" fi if [ -n "$filesModified" ]; then staged_string="$staged_string$filesModified$staged$modified" fi if [ -n "$filesRenamed" ]; then staged_string="$staged_string$filesRenamed$staged$renamed" fi echo "$staged_string" } conflicted_status() { local gitStatus=${1:-"$(porcelain_status)"} local conflicted_string="" local filesConflictedUs="$(echo "$gitStatus" | grep -p "[A|M|C|D|R ]U " | wc -l | grep -oEi '[1-9][0-9]*')" local filesConflictedThem="$(echo "$gitStatus" | grep -p "U[A|M|C|D|R ] " | wc -l | grep -oEi '[1-9][0-9]*')" local filesConflictedBoth="$(echo "$gitStatus" | grep -p "UU " | wc -l | grep -oEi '[1-9][0-9]*')" if [ -n "$filesConflictedUs" ]; then conflicted_string="$conflicted_string$filesConflictedUs$conflicted$us" fi if [ -n "$filesConflictedBoth" ]; then conflicted_string="$conflicted_string$filesConflictedBoth$conflicted$both" fi if [ -n "$filesConflictedThem" ]; then conflicted_string="$conflicted_string$filesConflictedThem$conflicted$them" fi echo "$conflicted_string" } unstaged_status() { local gitStatus=${1:-"$(porcelain_status)"} local unstaged_string="" local filesModified="$(echo "$gitStatus" | grep -p "[A|M|C|D|U|R ]M " | wc -l | grep -oEi '[1-9][0-9]*')" local filesDeleted="$(echo "$gitStatus" | grep -p "[A|M|C|D|U|R ]D " | wc -l | grep -oEi '[1-9][0-9]*')" if [ -n "$filesDeleted" ]; then unstaged_string="$unstaged_string$filesDeleted$unstaged$deleted" fi if [ -n "$filesModified" ]; then unstaged_string="$unstaged_string$filesModified$unstaged$modified" fi echo "$unstaged_string" } untracked_status() { local gitStatus=${1:-"$(porcelain_status)"} local untracked_string="" local filesUntracked="$(echo "$gitStatus" | grep -p "?? " | wc -l | grep -oEi '[1-9][0-9]*')" if [ -n "$filesUntracked" ]; then untracked_string="$untracked_string$filesUntracked$untracked$added" fi echo "$untracked_string" }