/* * (C)opyright MMVI Anselm R. Garbe <garbeam at gmail dot com> * (C)opyright MMVI Sander van Dijk <a dot h dot vandijk at gmail dot com> * See LICENSE file for license details. */ #include "dmenu.h" #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <X11/cursorfont.h> #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <X11/keysym.h> typedef struct Item Item; struct Item { Item *next; /* traverses all items */ Item *left, *right; /* traverses items matching current search pattern */ char *text; }; /* static */ static char text[4096]; static int mx, my, mw, mh; static int ret = 0; static int nitem = 0; static unsigned int cmdw = 0; static Bool running = True; static Item *allitems = NULL; /* first of all items */ static Item *item = NULL; /* first of pattern matching items */ static Item *sel = NULL; static Item *next = NULL; static Item *prev = NULL; static Item *curr = NULL; static Window root; static Window win; static void calcoffsets(void) { unsigned int tw, w; if(!curr) return; w = cmdw + 2 * SPACE; for(next = curr; next; next=next->right) { tw = textw(next->text); if(tw > mw / 3) tw = mw / 3; w += tw; if(w > mw) break; } w = cmdw + 2 * SPACE; for(prev = curr; prev && prev->left; prev=prev->left) { tw = textw(prev->left->text); if(tw > mw / 3) tw = mw / 3; w += tw; if(w > mw) break; } } static void drawmenu(void) { Item *i; dc.x = 0; dc.y = 0; dc.w = mw; dc.h = mh; drawtext(NULL, dc.norm); /* print command */ if(cmdw && item) dc.w = cmdw; drawtext(text[0] ? text : NULL, dc.norm); dc.x += cmdw; if(curr) { dc.w = SPACE; drawtext((curr && curr->left) ? "<" : NULL, dc.norm); dc.x += dc.w; /* determine maximum items */ for(i = curr; i != next; i=i->right) { dc.w = textw(i->text); if(dc.w > mw / 3) dc.w = mw / 3; drawtext(i->text, (sel == i) ? dc.sel : dc.norm); dc.x += dc.w; } dc.x = mw - SPACE; dc.w = SPACE; drawtext(next ? ">" : NULL, dc.norm); } XCopyArea(dpy, dc.drawable, win, dc.gc, 0, 0, mw, mh, 0, 0); XFlush(dpy); } static void match(char *pattern) { unsigned int plen; Item *i, *j; if(!pattern) return; plen = strlen(pattern); item = j = NULL; nitem = 0; for(i = allitems; i; i=i->next) if(!plen || !strncmp(pattern, i->text, plen)) { if(!j) item = i; else j->right = i; i->left = j; i->right = NULL; j = i; nitem++; } for(i = allitems; i; i=i->next) if(plen && strncmp(pattern, i->text, plen) && strstr(i->text, pattern)) { if(!j) item = i; else j->right = i; i->left = j; i->right = NULL; j = i; nitem++; } curr = prev = next = sel = item; calcoffsets(); } static void kpress(XKeyEvent * e) { char buf[32]; int num, prev_nitem; unsigned int i, len; KeySym ksym; len = strlen(text); buf[0] = 0; num = XLookupString(e, buf, sizeof(buf), &ksym, 0); if(IsFunctionKey(ksym) || IsKeypadKey(ksym) || IsMiscFunctionKey(ksym) || IsPFKey(ksym) || IsPrivateKeypadKey(ksym)) return; /* first check if a control mask is omitted */ if(e->state & ControlMask) { switch (ksym) { default: /* ignore other control sequences */ return; break; case XK_h: case XK_H: ksym = XK_BackSpace; break; case XK_u: case XK_U: text[0] = 0; match(text); drawmenu(); return; break; } } switch(ksym) { case XK_Left: if(!(sel && sel->left)) return; sel=sel->left; if(sel->right == curr) { curr = prev; calcoffsets(); } break; case XK_Tab: if(!sel) return; strncpy(text, sel->text, sizeof(text)); match(text); break; case XK_Right: if(!(sel && sel->right)) return; sel=sel->right; if(sel == next) { curr = next; calcoffsets(); } break; case XK_Return: if((e->state & ShiftMask) && text) fprintf(stdout, "%s", text); else if(sel) fprintf(stdout, "%s", sel->text); else if(text) fprintf(stdout, "%s", text); fflush(stdout); running = False; break; case XK_Escape: ret = 1; running = False; break; case XK_BackSpace: if((i = len)) { prev_nitem = nitem; do { text[--i] = 0; match(text); } while(i && nitem && prev_nitem == nitem); match(text); } break; default: if(num && !iscntrl((int) buf[0])) { buf[num] = 0; if(len > 0) strncat(text, buf, sizeof(text)); else strncpy(text, buf, sizeof(text)); match(text); } } drawmenu(); } static char * readstdin(void) { static char *maxname = NULL; char *p, buf[1024]; unsigned int len = 0, max = 0; Item *i, *new; i = 0; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) { len = strlen(buf); if (buf[len - 1] == '\n') buf[len - 1] = 0; p = estrdup(buf); if(max < len) { maxname = p; max = len; } new = emalloc(sizeof(Item)); new->next = new->left = new->right = NULL; new->text = p; if(!i) allitems = new; else i->next = new; i = new; } return maxname; } /* extern */ int screen; Display *dpy; DC dc = {0}; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *font = FONT; char *maxname; char *normbg = NORMBGCOLOR; char *normfg = NORMFGCOLOR; char *selbg = SELBGCOLOR; char *selfg = SELFGCOLOR; fd_set rd; int i; struct timeval timeout; Item *itm; XEvent ev; XSetWindowAttributes wa; timeout.tv_usec = 0; timeout.tv_sec = 3; /* command line args */ for(i = 1; i < argc; i++) if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-font", 6)) font = argv[++i]; else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-normbg", 8)) normbg = argv[++i]; else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-normfg", 8)) normfg = argv[++i]; else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-selbg", 7)) selbg = argv[++i]; else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-selfg", 7)) selfg = argv[++i]; else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-t", 3)) timeout.tv_sec = atoi(argv[++i]); else if(!strncmp(argv[i], "-v", 3)) { fputs("dmenu-"VERSION", (C)opyright MMVI Anselm R. Garbe\n", stdout); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else eprint("usage: dmenu [-font <name>] [-{norm,sel}{bg,fg} <color>] [-t <seconds>] [-v]\n", stdout); dpy = XOpenDisplay(0); if(!dpy) eprint("dmenu: cannot open display\n"); screen = DefaultScreen(dpy); root = RootWindow(dpy, screen); /* Note, the select() construction allows to grab all keypresses as * early as possible, to not loose them. But if there is no standard * input supplied, we will make sure to exit after MAX_WAIT_STDIN * seconds. This is convenience behavior for rapid typers. */ while(XGrabKeyboard(dpy, root, True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime) != GrabSuccess) usleep(1000); FD_ZERO(&rd); FD_SET(STDIN_FILENO, &rd); if(select(ConnectionNumber(dpy) + 1, &rd, NULL, NULL, &timeout) < 1) goto UninitializedEnd; maxname = readstdin(); /* style */ dc.norm[ColBG] = getcolor(normbg); dc.norm[ColFG] = getcolor(normfg); dc.sel[ColBG] = getcolor(selbg); dc.sel[ColFG] = getcolor(selfg); setfont(font); wa.override_redirect = 1; wa.background_pixmap = ParentRelative; wa.event_mask = ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | KeyPressMask; mx = my = 0; mw = DisplayWidth(dpy, screen); mh = dc.font.height + 2; win = XCreateWindow(dpy, root, mx, my, mw, mh, 0, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen), CopyFromParent, DefaultVisual(dpy, screen), CWOverrideRedirect | CWBackPixmap | CWEventMask, &wa); XDefineCursor(dpy, win, XCreateFontCursor(dpy, XC_xterm)); /* pixmap */ dc.drawable = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, mw, mh, DefaultDepth(dpy, screen)); dc.gc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, 0, 0); XSetLineAttributes(dpy, dc.gc, 1, LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter); if(maxname) cmdw = textw(maxname); if(cmdw > mw / 3) cmdw = mw / 3; text[0] = 0; match(text); XMapRaised(dpy, win); drawmenu(); XSync(dpy, False); /* main event loop */ while(running && !XNextEvent(dpy, &ev)) { switch (ev.type) { default: /* ignore all crap */ break; case KeyPress: kpress(&ev.xkey); break; case Expose: if(ev.xexpose.count == 0) drawmenu(); break; } } while(allitems) { itm = allitems->next; free(allitems->text); free(allitems); allitems = itm; } if(dc.font.set) XFreeFontSet(dpy, dc.font.set); else XFreeFont(dpy, dc.font.xfont); XFreePixmap(dpy, dc.drawable); XFreeGC(dpy, dc.gc); XDestroyWindow(dpy, win); UninitializedEnd: XUngrabKeyboard(dpy, CurrentTime); XCloseDisplay(dpy); return ret; }