## # systrunk status # # View current information such as which branch your worktree is # TRACking, which commit it is BASEd on, and how far out-of-date # it is. Additionally, report whether a merge or update operation # is currently in-progress. ## function systr_status { read remote <.systr/remote read path <.systr/path read BASE <.systr/BASE read TRAC <.systr/TRAC if [ -f ".systr/MERG" ]; then read MERG <.systr/MERG mergcommit=$(systr_repo_resolve_reference "$MERG") if [[ "$MERG" == "TRAC" ]]; then echo "Update in progress, to $mergcommit" else echo "Merge in progress, from $MERG ($mergcommit)" fi echo "" fi traccommit=$(systr_repo_resolve_reference "$TRAC") if [[ "$TRAC" == "$traccommit" ]]; then echo "Not tracking any branch" else echo "Tracking $TRAC ($traccommit)" fi if [[ "$BASE" == "NULL" ]]; then echo "BASE unset" else echo "BASE at $BASE" fi echo "# TODO # Possibly, Up-to-date" }