<?php require_once "model/master.mod.php"; require_once "class/form.class.php"; class SysconfModel extends MasterModel { var $CONF_FILE = "scrott.conf.php"; /* * Default action */ function deflt() { } /* * Save the submitted data to the config file */ function save($input) { global $_SCROTT; $form = new Form(); $form->field_text("dbAddress"); $form->field_text("dbName"); $form->field_text("dbUser"); $form->field_text("dbPass", null, false); $form->field_enum("settSSL", array("force", "neither", "forbid")); if (!$form->populate($input)) { $this->logFormErrors($form); return; } /* test database connection (set global vars and try to get a db object) */ $_SCROTT['conf'] = 'conf'; $_SCROTT['dbEngine'] = 'mysql'; $_SCROTT['dbAddress'] = $form->dbAddress; $_SCROTT['dbName'] = $form->dbName; $_SCROTT['dbUser'] = $form->dbUser; $_SCROTT['dbPass'] = $form->dbPass; try { $db = $this->getDbConnection(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logError($e->getMessage()); return; } /* write file */ $f = fopen($this->CONF_FILE, "w"); if (!$f) { $this->logError("Can not create configuration file"); return; } fwrite($f, "<?php\n"); fwrite($f, "\$_SCROTT['conf'] = 'conf';\n"); fwrite($f, "\$_SCROTT['dbEngine'] = 'mysql';\n"); fwrite($f, "\$_SCROTT['dbAddress'] = '" . $form->dbAddress . "';\n"); fwrite($f, "\$_SCROTT['dbName'] = '" . $form->dbName . "';\n"); fwrite($f, "\$_SCROTT['dbUser'] = '" . $form->dbUser . "';\n"); fwrite($f, "\$_SCROTT['dbPass'] = '" . $form->dbPass . "';\n"); fwrite($f, "\$_SCROTT['settSSL'] = '" . $form->settSSL . "';\n"); fwrite($f, "?>\n"); fclose($f); $this->redirectTo($this->ar()); } } ?>