text("issue"); $form->text("mesg", false); if (!$form->populate(input())) return; $issue = new issue($form->issue); if (!($user = user::getCurrent())) { logError(ERROR, "You must be logged in to post a message"); return; } if (isset($form->mesg) && $form->mesg != "") { if (!$user->canCreateSub($issue)) { logError(ERROR, "You do not have permission to post to this issue"); return; } $mesg = mesg::initNew($form->mesg, $user, $issue); if ($mesg->setAttachment("attachment")) logError(NOTICE, "Saved attachment " . $mesg->attachment); } if (isset(input()['closeIssue'])) { if (!$user->canModify($issue)) { logError(ERROR, "You do not have permission to close this issue"); return; } $issue->close($user); logError(NOTICE, "Issue #" . $issue->numb . " closed"); $log = mesg::initNewLog("% closed issue", $user, $issue); } } ?>