
require_once "class/controller.class.php";
require_once "controller/sysconf.control.php";

 * Root-level controller for Scrott app.  This object will delegate the page request to the
 * appropriate controller or handle it with an error message page.
class Root extends Controller
     * Controller implementation
    function handle($argv)
        /* TODO -- Catch app exceptions here and display a special view to communicate them to user */
        /* TODO -- Authentication (login / logout / register) MVC */

        $argv = $this->normalizeArgv($argv);

        /* First, make sure the system configuration file has been included */
        if (!$this->scrottConfExists())
            $ctrl = new Sysconf();

        /* TODO */
            echo "Configuration is present!";

     * Get a useful path string by normalizeing the $argv array received from the main function.
     * This will remove directory names that appear in the $this->ar() string and the initial
     * and trailing (if present) empty strings
    function normalizeArgv($argv)
        $argv = array_values(array_filter($argv));
        $ar = array_values(array_filter(explode("/", $this->ar())));
        $i = 0;
        $trunc = true;

        if (count($ar) == 0)
            return $argv;

        foreach ($ar as $elem)
            if ($elem != $argv[$i])
                $trunc = false;


        if (!$trunc)
            return $argv;

        return array_values(array_slice($argv, count($ar)));
