Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author | Files | Lines |
The previous patch removed the guid from the far left side of
issueListItem entries. This patch makes that value visible again within
the popup issue modal window.
Additionally, the issue's current stage is displayed next to its name.
Viewing this info here is convenient, however this is mostly done in
anticipation of being able to access issues from the main user
dashboard, where pad stage context may be missing.
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
The list of assignees, the owner (opener), and quick controls for
advancing or closing an issue are now available in the issue listing for
pad stages (or the closed issue list, which is missing the new control
If using the quick control buttons to manipulate an issue, the issue
modal is not called-up on the page reload.
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
The label itself is kept, to describe what page is currently in-view.
However, the dropdown functionality is removed for now, since the only
options were placeholders.
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
QoL enhancement when posting updates to a ticket. Since the page
reloads and has to open the ticket modal again, scrolling to the bottom
automatically preserves the view and makes follow-up actions easier.
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
It is annoying to have to manually navigate back to the group page that
contains the pad you're currently viewing, since it involves more than a
single click to go up one level in the object hierarchy.
This patch adds the owner name to the display at the top of each pad, as
a hyperlink. If the owner is a group, following the link will take you
to the group page. If the owner is _your own_ user, following the link
will take you to the 'My Pads' page. Otherwise, it leads nowhere.
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
The target display size of these columns is changed to 'xs' so they
don't wrap when viewed on smaller displays.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
If the $_SCROTT['AUTO_MODAL'] global is defined, it will refer to a
modal's DOM ID to be shown once the page loads. Currently, an error
state will supersede this and display the notice modal instead.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Since there is little text labeling things in the navbar, I have added
popup tooltips to each button (link) and dropdown menu.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Previously, issues on pads owned by a group (rather than by a user)
would incorrectly present options for user assignment. It would show
the group as a member of the list, misleadingly with the user icon to
the left of it.
This patch uses the new agent::getContainedUsers() function to resolve
the pad's owner to an array of users accessible via the owner 'agent'.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Disallow posting to closed issues. This is a temporary soultion and
will likely be reverted in the future. The main reason this is being
done now is because this form, as written, depends on an open issue
To aid diff comprehension, note that most lines are only indented one
level, the code area affected is wrapped in a PHP if.
Note that form submissions are still allowed for closed issues. This
commit only disable the _displaying_ of the form.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
This view is routable from app/<pad_guid>/closed. It is a separate view
for displaying the closed issues of a pad. index.php as well as the pad
model code is also updated to support this view.
This view currently *does not* support paging. This will very likely be
added in the future.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
This allows users to add assignees when posting to an issue. A dropdown
is revealed which contains the pad owner and all members.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
If this submit button is used, the message will be posted as usual, then
the issue will be moved to the next stage in the pipeline.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
I'm going to be adding another button down here in the btn-group (more
later). So to make room, I'm removing the text on these buttons,
leaving only the icons. The text will instead be a tooltip, visible
when the button is hovered.
In the case of the 'Close issue' button, it is changed from btn-success
to btn-default. I will tweak colors once this portion of the UI
matures. For now, I don't want the rainbow in my face.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
This was left in a messy state. I'm just cleaning it up a little bit
for now for the release.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Since there is currently no way to set heads for these objects, I am
replacing them with the appropriate glyphicon.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Previously, when the app was asked for non-existant paths, no content
was returned and a blank page was presented to the user. Now a canned
message stating that the requested page does not exist is shown, along
with a helpful link back to the Dashboard page.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Since this form submits a file upload, we need it to be set
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Submissions to the iss-mesg-add form are now handled by this function.
User must be logged in and permitted to post to the issue in question.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Listing all message (and log messages) beneath the OP in chrono order.
There is a form at the bottom to submit new messages.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
First button added to the header of pad views is to open new issues.
This interface is still very crude and subject to change in the near
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
When viewing a pad, offer the 'New Issue' option under the additions
menu in the navbar. Will will display the just-added new issue modal,
for the user to open a new issue on the first stage of the pad being
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
This datamods modal is accessable from pad views to open a new issue on
the pad in question. This is a simplistic version of this interface,
subject to improvements once I start on the v0.2-v0.3 development
iteration. Suffice it to say, any frills we will want to use in the
initial draft will be accessible from the issue view modal, as options
to modify the open issue.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Adds a parameterized text area to the collection of controls.
Signed-off-by: Malf Furious <>
Updated the javascript to wire-up the issue list items shown on pad
views. When these are clicked the associated issue modal is displayed
in the foreground.
This logic instanciates an issue modal view for each issue to be
accessable from a pad view.
This is an interface to alter the settings stored in the 'settings'
database table. Typically restricted to administrators only.
Removed placholder text and now displaying the logged-in user's display
name. This is accopanied by the user icon and (conditionally) the
'cool' sunglasses icon for admins. This is similar, but not identical,
to the markup of my old archived code I'm clearing out.
This additional spacing is added to the navbar text to improve its
appearance in the browser.
The input[ ] portion of the hidden field name had been left off. This
commit fixes this bug.
Updated old settings modal design, to incorporate added Scrott features.
Reimplemented this modal in Scrott from archived code and have included
it in the navbar.
Similar to objHeadCircle() but for displaying a bg img on page, rather
than as the actual background.