path: root/project.godot (follow)
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2022-10-30Add menu placeholder hotkeyMalfurious1-0/+5
It would be nice to eventually use Escape to open/close an in-game menu. For now, use the key as a shortcut to close the application. Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
2022-09-12Increase physics tick rate to 120Malfurious1-0/+1
Primarily for smoother movement control. Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
2022-08-27Add generic testing mapmikatomik1-1/+10
Initial version of shipyard map implemented for testing. Base_char mesh and goo-gun meshes property "use in baked light" set to true during experiment with GI probes for global illumination. Label added to view model to display in-game FPS. Main camera "far" property turned up to 500 so the whole map can be drawn. General purpose liquid shader added for use as water in shipyard_map. World default environment updated for visual quality. implemented to combat stuttering when compiling shaders on the fly. This may be obsolete with the release of Godot 3.5 that introduced async compilation. Signed-off-by: mikatomik <>
2022-07-17Define basic key bindingsMalfurious1-0/+115
In Splatoon, a player's kit includes a main weapon, sub weapon, and a special weapon. We may prefer the terms: weapon, ability, and ultimate, respectively. The current intent behind each of the bindings is as follows: - fire: trigger main weapon - altfire: movement (swim) or scope-in if applicable to the main weapon - WASD: self explanatory - movement: swim, move fast and in stealth while on controlled turf - ability 1: sub weapon - ability 2: special weapon - ping: "Booyah!" / "this way" - info: view map / scoreboard Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
2022-07-16Add bare-bones testing map: DevPlaneMalfurious1-0/+1
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
2022-07-16Set game description and base resolutionMalfurious1-0/+7
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
2022-07-16Commit default Godot project structureMalfurious1-0/+22
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>