3com
a
a.auth-ns
a01
a02
a1
a2
abc
about
ac
academico
acceso
access
accounting
accounts
acid
activestat
ad
adam
adkit
admin
administracion
administrador
administrator
administrators
admins
ads
adserver
adsl
ae
af
affiliate
affiliates
afiliados
ag
agenda
agent
ai
aix
ajax
ak
akamai
al
alabama
alaska
albuquerque
alerts
alpha
alterwind
am
amarillo
americas
an
anaheim
analyzer
announce
announcements
antivirus
ao
ap
apache
apollo
app
app01
app1
apple
application
applications
apps
appserver
aq
ar
archie
arcsight
argentina
arizona
arkansas
arlington
as
as400
asia
asterix
at
athena
atlanta
atlas
att
au
auction
austin
auth
auto
autodiscover
autorun
av
aw
ayuda
az
b
b.auth-ns
b01
b02
b1
b2
b2b
b2c
ba
back
backend
backup
baker
bakersfield
balance
balancer
baltimore
banking
bayarea
bb
bbdd
bbs
bd
bdc
be
bea
beta
bf
bg
bh
bi
billing
biz
biztalk
bj
black
blackberry
blog
blogs
blue
bm
bn
bnc
bo
bob
bof
boise
bolsa
border
boston
boulder
boy
br
bravo
brazil
britian
broadcast
broker
bronze
brown
bs
bsd
bsd0
bsd01
bsd02
bsd1
bsd2
bt
bug
buggalo
bugs
bugzilla
build
bulletins
burn
burner
buscador
buy
bv
bw
by
bz
c
c.auth-ns
ca
cache
cafe
calendar
california
call
calvin
canada
canal
canon
careers
catalog
cc
cd
cdburner
cdn
cert
certificates
certify
certserv
certsrv
cf
cg
cgi
ch
channel
channels
charlie
charlotte
chat
chats
chatserver
check
checkpoint
chi
chicago
ci
cims
cincinnati
cisco
citrix
ck
cl
class
classes
classifieds
classroom
cleveland
clicktrack
client
clientes
clients
club
clubs
cluster
clusters
cm
cmail
cms
cn
co
cocoa
code
coldfusion
colombus
colorado
columbus
com
commerce
commerceserver
communigate
community
compaq
compras
con
concentrator
conf
conference
conferencing
confidential
connect
connecticut
consola
console
consult
consultant
consultants
consulting
consumer
contact
content
contracts
core
core0
core01
corp
corpmail
corporate
correo
correoweb
cortafuegos
counterstrike
courses
cr
cricket
crm
crs
cs
cso
css
ct
cu
cust1
cust10
cust100
cust101
cust102
cust103
cust104
cust105
cust106
cust107
cust108
cust109
cust11
cust110
cust111
cust112
cust113
cust114
cust115
cust116
cust117
cust118
cust119
cust12
cust120
cust121
cust122
cust123
cust124
cust125
cust126
cust13
cust14
cust15
cust16
cust17
cust18
cust19
cust2
cust20
cust21
cust22
cust23
cust24
cust25
cust26
cust27
cust28
cust29
cust3
cust30
cust31
cust32
cust33
cust34
cust35
cust36
cust37
cust38
cust39
cust4
cust40
cust41
cust42
cust43
cust44
cust45
cust46
cust47
cust48
cust49
cust5
cust50
cust51
cust52
cust53
cust54
cust55
cust56
cust57
cust58
cust59
cust6
cust60
cust61
cust62
cust63
cust64
cust65
cust66
cust67
cust68
cust69
cust7
cust70
cust71
cust72
cust73
cust74
cust75
cust76
cust77
cust78
cust79
cust8
cust80
cust81
cust82
cust83
cust84
cust85
cust86
cust87
cust88
cust89
cust9
cust90
cust91
cust92
cust93
cust94
cust95
cust96
cust97
cust98
cust99
customer
customers
cv
cvs
cx
cy
cz
d
dallas
data
database
database01
database02
database1
database2
databases
datastore
datos
david
db
db0
db01
db02
db1
db2
dc
de
dealers
dec
def
default
defiant
delaware
dell
delta
delta1
demo
demonstration
demos
denver
depot
des
desarrollo
descargas
design
designer
desktop
detroit
dev
dev0
dev01
dev1
devel
develop
developer
developers
development
device
devserver
devsql
dhcp
dial
dialup
digital
dilbert
dir
direct
directory
disc
discovery
discuss
discussion
discussions
disk
disney
distributer
distributers
dj
dk
dm
dmail
dmz
dnews
dns
dns-2
dns0
dns1
dns2
dns3
do
docs
documentacion
documentos
domain
domains
dominio
domino
dominoweb
doom
download
downloads
downtown
dragon
drupal
dsl
dyn
dynamic
dynip
dz
e
e-com
e-commerce
e0
eagle
earth
east
ec
echo
ecom
ecommerce
edi
edu
education
edward
ee
eg
eh
ejemplo
elpaso
email
employees
empresa
empresas
en
enable
eng
eng01
eng1
engine
engineer
engineering
enterprise
epsilon
er
erp
es
esd
esm
espanol
estadisticas
esx
et
eta
europe
events
example
exchange
exec
extern
external
extranet
f
f5
falcon
farm
faststats
fax
feedback
feeds
fi
field
file
files
fileserv
fileserver
filestore
filter
find
finger
firewall
fix
fixes
fj
fk
fl
flash
florida
flow
fm
fo
foobar
formacion
foro
foros
fortworth
forum
forums
foto
fotos
foundry
fox
foxtrot
fr
france
frank
fred
freebsd
freebsd0
freebsd01
freebsd02
freebsd1
freebsd2
freeware
fresno
front
frontdesk
fs
fs1
fsp
ftp
ftp-
ftp0
ftp2
ftpserver
fw
fw-1
fw1
fwsm
fwsm0
fwsm01
fwsm1
g
ga
galeria
galerias
galleries
gallery
games
gamma
gandalf
gate
gatekeeper
gateway
gauss
gd
ge
gemini
general
george
georgia
germany
gf
gg
gh
gi
gl
glendale
gm
gmail
gn
go
gold
goldmine
golf
gopher
gp
gq
gr
green
group
groups
groupwise
gs
gsx
gt
gu
guest
gw
gw1
gy
h
hal
halflife
hawaii
hello
help
helpdesk
helponline
henry
hermes
hi
hidden
hk
hm
hn
hobbes
hollywood
home
homebase
homer
honeypot
honolulu
host
host1
host3
host4
host5
hotel
hotjobs
houstin
houston
howto
hp
hpov
hr
ht
http
https
hu
hub
humanresources
i
ia
ias
ibm
ibmdb
id
ida
idaho
ids
ie
iis
il
illinois
im
images
imail
imap
imap4
img
img0
img01
img02
in
inbound
inc
include
incoming
india
indiana
indianapolis
info
informix
inside
install
int
intern
internal
international
internet
intl
intranet
invalid
investor
investors
io
iota
iowa
iplanet
ipmonitor
ipsec
ipsec-gw
ipv6
ipv6.teredo
iq
ir
irc
ircd
ircserver
ireland
iris
irvine
irving
is
isa
isaserv
isaserver
ism
israel
isync
it
italy
ix
j
japan
java
je
jedi
jm
jo
jobs
john
jp
jrun
juegos
juliet
juliette
juniper
k
kansas
kansascity
kappa
kb
ke
kentucky
kerberos
keynote
kg
kh
ki
kilo
king
km
kn
knowledgebase
knoxville
koe
korea
kp
kr
ks
kw
ky
kz
l
la
lab
laboratory
labs
lambda
lan
laptop
laserjet
lasvegas
launch
lb
lc
ldap
legal
leo
li
lib
library
lima
lincoln
link
linux
linux0
linux01
linux02
linux1
linux2
lista
lists
listserv
listserver
live
lk
load
loadbalancer
local
localhost
log
log0
log01
log02
log1
log2
logfile
logfiles
logger
logging
loghost
login
logs
london
longbeach
losangeles
lotus
louisiana
lr
ls
lt
lu
luke
lv
ly
lyris
m
ma
mac
mac1
mac10
mac11
mac2
mac3
mac4
mac5
mach
macintosh
madrid
mail
mail2
mailer
mailgate
mailhost
mailing
maillist
maillists
mailroom
mailserv
mailsite
mailsrv
main
maine
maint
mall
manage
management
manager
manufacturing
map
mapas
maps
marketing
marketplace
mars
marvin
mary
maryland
massachusetts
master
max
mc
mci
md
mdaemon
me
media
member
members
memphis
mercury
merlin
messages
messenger
mg
mgmt
mh
mi
miami
michigan
mickey
midwest
mike
milwaukee
minneapolis
minnesota
mirror
mis
mississippi
missouri
mk
ml
mm
mn
mngt
mo
mobile
mobilemail
mom
monitor
monitoring
montana
moon
moscow
movies
mozart
mp
mp3
mpeg
mpg
mq
mr
mrtg
ms
ms-exchange
ms-sql
msexchange
mssql
mssql0
mssql01
mssql1
mt
mta
mtu
mu
multimedia
music
mv
mw
mx
my
mysql
mysql0
mysql01
mysql1
mz
n
na
name
names
nameserv
nameserver
nas
nashville
nat
nc
nd
nds
ne
nebraska
neptune
net
netapp
netdata
netgear
netmeeting
netscaler
netscreen
netstats
network
nevada
new
newhampshire
newjersey
newmexico
neworleans
news
newsfeed
newsfeeds
newsgroups
newton
newyork
newzealand
nf
ng
nh
ni
nigeria
nj
nl
nm
nms
nntp
no
node
nokia
nombres
nora
north
northcarolina
northdakota
northeast
northwest
noticias
novell
november
np
nr
ns
ns-
ns0
ns01
ns02
ns1
ns2
ns3
ns4
ns5
nt
nt4
nt40
ntmail
ntp
ntserver
nu
null
nv
ny
nz
o
oakland
ocean
odin
office
offices
oh
ohio
ok
oklahoma
oklahomacity
old
om
omaha
omega
omicron
online
ontario
open
openbsd
openview
operations
ops
ops0
ops01
ops02
ops1
ops2
opsware
or
oracle
orange
order
orders
oregon
orion
orlando
oscar
out
outbound
outgoing
outlook
outside
ov
owa
owa01
owa02
owa1
owa2
ows
oxnard
p
pa
page
pager
pages
paginas
papa
paris
parners
partner
partners
patch
patches
paul
payroll
pbx
pc
pc01
pc1
pc10
pc101
pc11
pc12
pc13
pc14
pc15
pc16
pc17
pc18
pc19
pc2
pc20
pc21
pc22
pc23
pc24
pc25
pc26
pc27
pc28
pc29
pc3
pc30
pc31
pc32
pc33
pc34
pc35
pc36
pc37
pc38
pc39
pc4
pc40
pc41
pc42
pc43
pc44
pc45
pc46
pc47
pc48
pc49
pc5
pc50
pc51
pc52
pc53
pc54
pc55
pc56
pc57
pc58
pc59
pc6
pc60
pc7
pc8
pc9
pcmail
pda
pdc
pe
pegasus
pennsylvania
peoplesoft
personal
pf
pg
pgp
ph
phi
philadelphia
phoenix
phoeniz
phone
phones
photos
pi
pics
pictures
pink
pipex-gw
pittsburgh
pix
pk
pki
pl
plano
platinum
pluto
pm
pm1
pn
po
policy
polls
pop
pop3
portal
portals
portfolio
portland
post
postales
postoffice
ppp1
ppp10
ppp11
ppp12
ppp13
ppp14
ppp15
ppp16
ppp17
ppp18
ppp19
ppp2
ppp20
ppp21
ppp3
ppp4
ppp5
ppp6
ppp7
ppp8
ppp9
pptp
pr
prensa
press
printer
printserv
printserver
priv
privacy
private
problemtracker
products
profiles
project
projects
promo
proxy
prueba
pruebas
ps
psi
pss
pt
pub
public
pubs
purple
pw
py
q
qa
qmail
qotd
quake
quebec
queen
quotes
r
r01
r02
r1
r2
ra
radio
radius
rapidsite
raptor
ras
rc
rcs
rd
re
read
realserver
recruiting
red
redhat
ref
reference
reg
register
registro
registry
regs
relay
rem
remote
remstats
reports
research
reseller
reserved
resumenes
rho
rhodeisland
ri
ris
rmi
ro
robert
romeo
root
rose
route
router
router1
rs
rss
rtelnet
rtr
rtr01
rtr1
ru
rune
rw
rwhois
s
s1
s2
sa
sac
sacramento
sadmin
safe
sales
saltlake
sam
san
sanantonio
sandiego
sanfrancisco
sanjose
saskatchewan
saturn
sb
sbs
sc
scanner
schedules
scotland
scotty
sd
se
search
seattle
sec
secret
secure
secured
securid
security
sendmail
seri
serv
serv2
server
server1
servers
service
services
servicio
servidor
setup
sg
sh
shared
sharepoint
shareware
shipping
shop
shoppers
shopping
si
siebel
siem
sierra
sigma
signin
signup
silver
sim
sirius
site
sj
sk
skywalker
sl
slackware
slmail
sm
smc
sms
smtp
smtphost
sn
sniffer
snmp
snmpd
snoopy
snort
so
soap
socal
software
sol
solaris
solutions
soporte
source
sourcecode
sourcesafe
south
southcarolina
southdakota
southeast
southwest
spain
spam
spider
spiderman
splunk
spock
spokane
springfield
sprint
sqa
sql
sql0
sql01
sql1
sql7
sqlserver
squid
sr
ss
ssh
ssl
ssl0
ssl01
ssl1
st
staff
stage
staging
start
stat
static
statistics
stats
stlouis
stock
storage
store
storefront
streaming
stronghold
strongmail
studio
submit
subversion
sun
sun0
sun01
sun02
sun1
sun2
superman
supplier
suppliers
support
sv
sw
sw0
sw01
sw1
sweden
switch
switzerland
sy
sybase
sydney
sysadmin
sysback
syslog
syslogs
system
sz
t
tacoma
taiwan
talk
tampa
tango
tau
tc
tcl
td
team
tech
technology
techsupport
telephone
telephony
telnet
temp
tennessee
terminal
terminalserver
termserv
test
test2k
testajax
testasp
testaspnet
testbed
testcf
testing
testjsp
testlab
testlinux
testphp
testserver
testsite
testsql
testxp
texas
tf
tftp
tg
th
thailand
theta
thor
tienda
tiger
time
titan
tivoli
tj
tk
tm
tn
to
tokyo
toledo
tom
tool
tools
toplayer
toronto
tour
tp
tr
tracker
train
training
transfers
trinidad
trinity
ts
ts1
tt
tucson
tulsa
tunnel
tv
tw
tx
tz
u
ua
uddi
ug
uk
um
uniform
union
unitedkingdom
unitedstates
unix
unixware
update
updates
upload
ups
upsilon
uranus
urchin
us
usa
usenet
user
users
ut
utah
utilities
uy
uz
v
v6
va
vader
vantive
vault
vc
ve
vega
vegas
vend
vendors
venus
vermont
vg
vi
victor
video
videos
viking
violet
vip
virginia
vista
vm
vmserver
vmware
vn
vnc
voice
voicemail
voip
voyager
vpn
vpn0
vpn01
vpn02
vpn1
vpn2
vt
vu
w
w1
w2
w3
wa
wais
wallet
wam
wan
wap
warehouse
washington
wc3
web
webaccess
webadmin
webalizer
webboard
webcache
webcam
webcast
webdev
webdocs
webfarm
webhelp
weblib
weblogic
webmail
webmaster
webproxy
webring
webs
webserv
webserver
webservices
website
websites
websphere
websrv
websrvr
webstats
webstore
websvr
webtrends
welcome
west
westvirginia
wf
whiskey
white
whois
wi
wichita
wiki
wililiam
win
win01
win02
win1
win2
win2000
win2003
win2k
win2k3
windows
windows01
windows02
windows1
windows2
windows2000
windows2003
windowsxp
wingate
winnt
winproxy
wins
winserve
winxp
wire
wireless
wisconsin
wlan
wordpress
work
world
wpad
write
ws
ws1
ws10
ws11
ws12
ws13
ws2
ws3
ws4
ws5
ws6
ws7
ws8
ws9
wusage
wv
ww
www
www-
www-01
www-02
www-1
www-2
www-int
www0
www01
www02
www1
www2
www3
wwwchat
wwwdev
wwwmail
wy
wyoming
x
x-ray
xi
xlogan
xmail
xml
xp
y
yankee
ye
yellow
young
yt
yu
z
z-log
za
zebra
zera
zeus
zlog
zm
zulu
zw