Have you ever wanted to have a place where you could express your biggest
concerns about this year's X-MAS but didn't have a toll-free (taxes may apply)
telephonic service at your disposal?

Well, this year Santa took care of that!

Category:       pwn (50 points)
Chall author:   PinkiePie1189
Writeup author: malfurious

The scoreboard provides us with the executable, its libc binary, and
linker/loader.  The application is not stripped, so we see the functions,
non-pic, so we have known memory addresses within it, and doesn't use stack
canaries.  However, NX is set, so no shellcode.

The application just contains a main function, which performs the rough outline
described below:

    - setvbuf on stdin and stdout, to disable buffering
    - fopen /dev/null in write mode
    - setbuf on the devnull file, to establish a buffer on the stack for use
    - puts a welcome message
    - while user input != "done"
        - fgets stdin to a stack buffer
        - fwrite that buffer to the devnull file handle

The buffer used to collect intermediate user input is actually properly guarded
from buffer overruns by its fgets call, passing 0x200 for the size parameter.
We are only able to overrun the stack frame because the additional stack buffer
established by the prior setbuf call is not as long as libc mandates.

From 'man setbuf':

    void setbuf(FILE *restrict stream, char *restrict buf);

    [The other three calls] are, in effect, simply aliases for calls to setvbuf().
    The setbuf() function is exactly equivalent to the call

        setvbuf(stream, buf, buf ? _IOFBF : _IONBF, BUFSIZ);

BUFSIZ is the required size.

ROP Exploit
When the program writes to /dev/null, it writes the entire 0x200-byte temporary
buffer, regardless of the amount of input received.  So, our first couple writes
can be empty lines.  It takes 3 batches of input to get close to the end of the
stack frame, and another 8 bytes to reach the saved RBP value exactly.  You'll
see a helper function in my exploit code that abstracts this process.

I attempted a ret2libc to execute system("/bin/sh") and acquire a shell.  So, we
need to leak a libc address to calculate the mapped absolute addresses of the
system function and its "/bin/sh" argument.  I acheve this by ROP-ing to call
the puts function with the address of the puts GOT entry as its argument (the
GOT entry is already initialized because puts was called earlier in the program
runtime).  I finally return back to the program entry-point, to allow me to
re-exploit having gained the leaked address.  _start is chosen, rather than main,
so that the stack is re-initialized and repaired from my damage.

The second ROP chain is a straight-forward call to the library function, using
the addresses resolved from the previous leak.  My exploit code also calls
exit(0) to attempt to exit cleanly.

We require the use of a 'pop rdi; ret' gadget from the main executable, as well
as a simple 'ret' gadget, used at the beginning of the second ROP chain to fixup
the stack alignment prior to calling system.

See my full sploit exploit script below.


Solution (Python/sploit)
#!/usr/bin/env sploit
from sploit.payload import *
from sploit.rev.elf import *
from sploit.arch import *

b = ELF("./chall")
l = ELF("./libc-2.27.so")
poprdi = b.egad("pop rdi;ret")
ret = 0x00400886 # ret gadget

def sendpld(p):

# Leak libc address
        .ret(poprdi).int(b.sym._GOT_puts)   # puts(&puts)
        .ret(b.sym._start))                 # goto _start

leak = btoi(io.readline()[:-1])             # strip \n char
l.sym = l.sym.map(leak, l.sym.puts)         # update libc mapping based on puts function

# Get shell
        .ret(ret)                           # stack alignment
        .ret(poprdi).int(l.sym._bin_sh)     # system("/bin/sh")
        .ret(poprdi).int(0)                 # exit(0)
