PORT 8080

This challenge presents us with a simple login page and says that there is one other user.  If we can figure out the username of this other user, we can input it into a different form to check if we're right.

The page says to use your observational skills.
When logging in, if we use the username "guest" that we are given, the page takes a bit to load.  If we give anything else, it immediately tells us it failed.

I pulled a public wordlist of common usernames, cleaned the list up of special characters, and wrote a simple bash script to iterate over it and try to login using curl.  I kept the log of this loop and ran a grep over it for any requests that took more than basically instant.

Two results were found: guest and demo.

Inputting demo into the other form gives us a success message and a link to the card.

while IFS= read -r line; do
	echo "Trying $line..."
	curl target:8080/login.php --data "username=$line&password=" 1>/dev/null;
done < usernames-fixed.txt

grep '0:0' -B3 werdz.txt
