Brief summary of RSA algorithm / crypto system ---------------------------------------------- # Choose 2 large, random prime numbers, p and q. n = p * q phi = (p-1) * (q-1) Choose e, such that `1 < e < phi` and e and phi are coprime (*) (**) (***) Compute d, such that `e * d mod phi == 1` (****) Public key = (e, n) Private key = (d, n) cyphertext = plaintext ^ e mod n plaintext = cyphertext ^ d mod n (*) It is important for e and phi to be coprime, to prevent ambiguous decryption. See (**) A very common value for e is (the prime) 65537 (***) RSA can become more vulnerable to cracking with low values of e. See TODO: Explain the attack here. (****) Calculate d using modular inverse (see below...) Python tips ----------- Implementations for fast modular exponentiation and modular inverse already exist in Python, via the pow() function. pow() supports a third argument, which is the modulus value: pow(b, e, n). To perform fast mod expo for encryption, use pow(plaintext, e, n) ... for decryption, use pow(cyphertext, d, n) To calculate mod inverse, use pow(e, -1, phi).