path: root/tools
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
3 files changed, 434 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/brainfuck/ b/tools/brainfuck/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..453ae77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/brainfuck/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print("Give me filename...")
+ exit()
+bytecode = {
+ '>': b"\x00",
+ '<': b"\x02",
+ '+': b"\x07",
+ '-': b"\x06",
+ '.': b"\x05",
+ ',': b"\x04",
+ '[': b"\x03",
+ ']': b"\x01",
+src_buff = open(sys.argv[1]).read()
+bin_file = open(sys.argv[1]+".bin", mode="wb")
+for c in src_buff:
+ try:
+ b = bytecode[c]
+ bin_file.write(b)
+ except KeyError:
+ # Ignore whitespace, etc.
+ pass
diff --git a/tools/brainfuck/ b/tools/brainfuck/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eee13e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/brainfuck/
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print("Give me filename...")
+ exit()
+# Parameters
+TAPE_LEN = 264 # from original interpreter
+process_input = (sys.argv[2].encode() if len(sys.argv) > 2 else b"")
+process_output = b""
+# Colors
+HEADER = '\033[95m'
+OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
+OKCYAN = '\033[96m'
+OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
+WARNING = '\033[93m'
+FAIL = '\033[91m'
+ENDC = '\033[0m'
+BOLD = '\033[1m'
+UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
+code = open(sys.argv[1]).read().replace("\n", "").replace(" ", "")
+stack = [] # track loop execution
+tape = [0]*TAPE_LEN # process memory
+ptr = 0 # current tape position
+rip = 0 # next instruction to execute
+lip = 0 # previous instruction (illustrate jumps)
+breakpoints = [] # stop exec at these rips
+breakops = [] # stop exec at these codes
+watchpoints = [] # stop exce on these ptrs
+def display_status():
+ global code
+ global stack
+ global tape
+ global ptr
+ global rip
+ global lip
+ print("")
+ print("")
+ print("Tape ptr: %i"%(ptr))
+ print("Prog rip: %i"%(rip))
+ print("Prog lip: %i"%(lip))
+ print("")
+ # stack
+ if len(stack) == 0:
+ print(f"{FAIL}No loops{ENDC}")
+ else:
+ for l in stack:
+ print("0x%05x"%(l), end=" ")
+ print("")
+ print("")
+ # tape
+ addr = ""
+ hexa = ""
+ deci = ""
+ asci = ""
+ for i in range(ptr - TAPE_CONTEXT, ptr + TAPE_CONTEXT + 1):
+ oob = i < 0 or i >= TAPE_LEN
+ color = (OKGREEN if i == ptr else WARNING if i in watchpoints else OKCYAN if tape[i] != 0 else FAIL if oob else '')
+ value = (0 if oob else tape[i])
+ char = (chr(value) if value >= 0x20 and value < 0x7f else "U")
+ addr += f" {color}{UNDERLINE}0x%02x{ENDC}"%(i)
+ hexa += f" {color}0x%02x{ENDC}"%(value)
+ deci += f" {color}%4i{ENDC}"%(value)
+ asci += f" {color}%4s{ENDC}"%(char)
+ print(addr)
+ print(hexa)
+ print(deci)
+ print(asci)
+ print("")
+ # code
+ breaks = ""
+ ops = ""
+ for i in range(rip - CODE_CONTEXT, rip + CODE_CONTEXT + 1):
+ oob = i < 0 or i >= len(code)
+ color = (OKGREEN+BOLD+UNDERLINE if i == rip
+ else OKBLUE+BOLD if i == lip
+ else FAIL+BOLD if oob else '')
+ oper = (" " if oob else code[i])
+ brek = (" " if oob else "P" if i in breakpoints else "O" if code[i] in breakops else " ")
+ breaks += f"{FAIL}{brek}{ENDC}"
+ ops += f"{color}{oper}{ENDC}"
+ print(breaks)
+ print(ops)
+def display_tape():
+ global code
+ global stack
+ global tape
+ global ptr
+ global rip
+ global lip
+ print("")
+ print("")
+ for i, x in enumerate(tape):
+ color = (OKGREEN if i == ptr else WARNING if i in watchpoints else OKCYAN if x != 0 else '')
+ print(f"{color}0x%02x{ENDC} "%(x), end="")
+ if (i+1) % 16 == 0:
+ print("")
+ elif (i+1) % 8 == 0:
+ print(" ", end="")
+ print("")
+def display_tape_ascii():
+ global code
+ global stack
+ global tape
+ global ptr
+ global rip
+ global lip
+ print("")
+ print("")
+ for i, x in enumerate(tape):
+ color = (OKGREEN if i == ptr else '')
+ char = (chr(x) if x >= 0x20 and x < 0x7f else '.')
+ print(f"{color}{char}{ENDC}", end="")
+ print("")
+def display_code():
+ global code
+ global stack
+ global tape
+ global ptr
+ global rip
+ global lip
+ print("")
+ print("")
+ for i, x in enumerate(code):
+ color = (OKGREEN+BOLD+UNDERLINE if i == rip
+ else OKBLUE+BOLD if i == lip
+ else FAIL+BOLD if i in breakpoints
+ else FAIL+BOLD if code[i] in breakops else '')
+ print(f"{color}{x}{ENDC}", end="")
+ print("")
+def display_input():
+ global code
+ global stack
+ global tape
+ global ptr
+ global rip
+ global lip
+ global process_input
+ print("")
+ print("")
+ print(f"Input (to-be-read): {process_input}")
+def display_output():
+ global code
+ global stack
+ global tape
+ global ptr
+ global rip
+ global lip
+ global process_output
+ print("")
+ print("")
+ print(f"Output (cumulative): {process_output}")
+def jump_past_loop():
+ global code
+ global stack
+ global tape
+ global ptr
+ global rip
+ global lip
+ i = 1
+ for pos in range(rip, len(code)):
+ if code[pos] == '[':
+ i += 1
+ elif code[pos] == ']':
+ i -= 1
+ if i == 0:
+ rip = pos + 1
+ break
+ if i != 0:
+ raise Exception("'[' has no paring ']'")
+def run_code():
+ global code
+ global stack
+ global tape
+ global ptr
+ global rip
+ global lip
+ global process_input
+ global process_output
+ while True:
+ if step_forward() == True:
+ break
+ if rip in breakpoints:
+ break
+ if rip < len(code) and (code[rip] in breakops):
+ break
+ if ptr in watchpoints:
+ break
+def step_forward():
+ global code
+ global stack
+ global tape
+ global ptr
+ global rip
+ global lip
+ global process_input
+ global process_output
+ if rip >= len(code):
+ print("Execution finished.")
+ return True
+ op = code[rip]
+ lip = rip
+ rip += 1
+ if op == '<':
+ if ptr == 0:
+ raise Exception("Tape ptr out of bounds! (underflow)")
+ ptr -= 1
+ elif op == '>':
+ if ptr == TAPE_LEN-1:
+ raise Exception("Tap ptr out of bounds! (overflow)")
+ ptr += 1
+ elif op == '+':
+ if tape[ptr] == 255:
+ tape[ptr] = 0
+ else:
+ tape[ptr] += 1
+ elif op == '-':
+ if tape[ptr] == 0:
+ tape[ptr] = 255
+ else:
+ tape[ptr] -= 1
+ elif op == '.':
+ process_output += tape[ptr].to_bytes(1, 'big')
+ display_output()
+ elif op == ',':
+ if len(process_input) == 0:
+ raise Exception("Out of input!")
+ display_input()
+ tape[ptr] = process_input[0]
+ process_input = process_input[1:]
+ elif op == '[':
+ if tape[ptr] == 0:
+ jump_past_loop()
+ else:
+ stack.append(rip) # rip currently on first op after [
+ elif op == ']':
+ if tape[ptr] == 0:
+ stack.pop()
+ else:
+ rip = stack[-1]
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Illegal instruction!")
+def manage_breakpoints():
+ global breakpoints
+ while True:
+ print("Current breakpoints:")
+ for i, x in enumerate(breakpoints):
+ print(f" {i}: {x}")
+ print("")
+ ip = input("[a]dd/[d]el/[f]inish <arg>: ")
+ cmd = ip.split()[0]
+ if cmd == 'f':
+ break
+ if cmd == 'a':
+ breakpoints.append(int(ip.split()[1]))
+ elif cmd == 'd':
+ del breakpoints[int(ip.split()[1])]
+def manage_breakops():
+ global breakops
+ while True:
+ print("Current breakops:")
+ for i, x in enumerate(breakops):
+ print(f" {i}: {x}")
+ print("")
+ ip = input("[a]dd/[d]el/[f]inish <arg>: ")
+ cmd = ip.split()[0]
+ if cmd == 'f':
+ break
+ if cmd == 'a':
+ breakops.append(ip.split()[1])
+ elif cmd == 'd':
+ del breakops[int(ip.split()[1])]
+def manage_watchpoints():
+ global watchpoints
+ while True:
+ print("Current watchpoints:")
+ for i, x in enumerate(watchpoints):
+ print(f" {i}: {x}")
+ print("")
+ ip = input("[a]dd/[d]el/[f]inish <arg>: ")
+ cmd = ip.split()[0]
+ if cmd == 'f':
+ break
+ if cmd == 'a':
+ watchpoints.append(int(ip.split()[1]))
+ elif cmd == 'd':
+ del watchpoints[int(ip.split()[1])]
+def write_tape():
+ global tape
+ addr = int(input("Address: "))
+ val = int(input("Value: "))
+ tape[addr] = val
+enter_is_step = False
+print("Hints: j: step forward t: show tape a: show tape (ascii) c: show code i: show input o: show output")
+print(" r: run p: manage breakpoints l: manage breakops w: manage watchpoints q: quit s: show status")
+print(" m: edit tape memory")
+while True:
+ c = input("> ")
+ if c == 'j' or (c == '' and enter_is_step):
+ enter_is_step = True
+ step_forward()
+ display_status()
+ else:
+ enter_is_step = False
+ if c == 's':
+ display_status()
+ elif c == 't':
+ display_tape()
+ elif c == 'a':
+ display_tape_ascii()
+ elif c == 'c':
+ display_code()
+ elif c == 'i':
+ display_input()
+ elif c == 'o':
+ display_output()
+ elif c == 'q':
+ break
+ elif c == 'r':
+ run_code()
+ display_status()
+ elif c == 'p':
+ manage_breakpoints()
+ display_status()
+ elif c == 'l':
+ manage_breakops()
+ display_status()
+ elif c == 'w':
+ manage_watchpoints()
+ display_status()
+ elif c == 'm':
+ write_tape()
diff --git a/tools/brainfuck/ b/tools/brainfuck/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8caa97d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/brainfuck/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print("Give me filename...")
+ exit()
+bytecode = {
+ 0: '>',
+ 2: '<',
+ 7: '+',
+ 6: '-',
+ 5: '.',
+ 4: ',',
+ 3: '[',
+ 1: ']',
+bin_buff = open(sys.argv[1], mode="rb").read()
+src_file = open(sys.argv[1]+".bf", mode="w")
+for b in bin_buff:
+ try:
+ c = bytecode[b & 0x07]
+ src_file.write(c)
+ except:
+ print("Error while processing file (aborting...)")
+ exit()