path: root/docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021
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authorMalfurious <>2021-08-05 01:01:37 -0400
committerMalfurious <>2021-08-05 01:01:37 -0400
commita00b9120493916d76fd2089c90be95616d4a1462 (patch)
tree310ef723f307b040f3555b395e9f6bb56ce0b120 /docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021
parent5970194d1303e16364ff1405f974c995de46203b (diff)
Add writeup for ImaginaryCTF 2021 / Roolang
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
-rw-r--r--docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021/Roolang.pngbin0 -> 7788806 bytes
2 files changed, 584 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021/Roolang.png b/docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021/Roolang.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1dd415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021/Roolang.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021/Roolang.txt b/docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021/Roolang.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b52316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/writeups/ImaginaryCTF_2021/Roolang.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+ELF files are sooooo last year :rooVoid:. Instead of making yet another ELF to
+reverse, I made a new type of executable binary for you to reverse :rooYay:! It
+uses my new language Roolang. Just execute flag.roo to get the flag
+:rooPuzzlerDevil:! It's dynamically linked, so make sure you have the provided
+roo library files in the same directory :rooCash:. It's not very optimized, so
+it might take a moment (sorry about that) :rooNobooli:...
+Special shoutout to :rooRobin: and :rooOreos:, who have nothing to do with this
+challenge, but are both very cool people :rooHeart:. Good luck, and I hope you
+have fun :rooNervous:!
+Category: re (400 points)
+Chall author: puzzler7
+Writeup author: malfurious
+We are provided with a zip archive containing several files:
+ blind.roo *
+ flag.roo (See Roolang.png)
+ imag.roo *
+ nobooli.roo *
+ oreos.roo *
+ robin.roo *
+ (See Appendix A)
+flag.roo is the primary 'executable'. This file is actually a PNG image, made
+up of a matrix of smaller sub-images (emoji from the CTF's Discord server).
+The remaining *.roo files (marked with a '*') are the 'library files' referred
+to by the problem description. They are individual original images for each
+of the emoji.
+ is a regular Python script that serves as an interpreter for Roolang.
+If you run on the flag.roo file, it starts to output text:
+ $ python flag.roo
+ Parsing...
+ Running...
+ The flag is ictf{th ...
+Each additional character takes longer and longer than the last to be displayed.
+Their calculation is being slowed by an inefficient algorithm.
+Tweaking the interpreter
+I initially tried making improvments to the Python code to see what kind of
+speedup we could see by optimizing the way it executes the various roolang
+For example: I tried reducing the amount of stack manipulation per instruction,
+removing checks to useless internal variables, and rewriting operations to take
+effect in-place where appropriate. I even replaced their `eval(string+'()')`
+method for executing instructions with a proper jump table (via a dictionary).
+This made a _very_ noticable difference in run time (LOL), but is not enough
+to make full execution of flag.roo feasible (as expected). So, I moved on to
+reverse engineering of the flag file using the interpreter.
+I mentioned earlier that the program is a matrix of images. This actually
+forms a linear sequence of emoji, left-to-right, then top-to-bottom. We can
+see in the functions robinify() and run() how the input file is processed to
+recover the opcode to execute.
+Each emoji is detected, reference to the original emoji ('library') files, and
+is tokenized:
+ image token
+ -----------------------------
+ robin.roo => r
+ oreos.roo => o
+ blind.roo => b
+ imag.roo => i
+ nobooli.roo => n
+Every five tokens are grouped as a word. Token ordering is similar to
+big-endian, so 'robin' means 'r, o, b, i, n').
+The roolang process has access to a stack and a single general-purpose
+register ('the register').
+The calling convention is to push arguments to the stack before jumping. The
+return address is expected to be 'below' the arguments. The call instruction
+achieves this by cheating the stack and inserting the address below the
+already-pushed argument. The subroutine return value is also pushed to the
+stack. Similar trickery is done by the ret instruction to pop the return
+address out from underneath the return value.
+Execution starts at the beginning of the stream and terminates at the end. By
+studying the interpreter, we can see that roolang implements the following
+instructions (by Python functions of the same name):
+ Opcode Len(words) Mnemonic Description
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ robin variable push If the 2nd word is the special value 'rinin',
+ the value in the register is pushed to the
+ stack. Otherwise, the 2nd word encodes the
+ number of additional words to read. These
+ additional words encode a value to push to
+ the stack. All encoded values are in base-3
+ and use the o, b, i tokens to represent
+ digits 0, 1, 2 respectively.
+ rboin 1 pop Value is popped from the stack
+ rinin 1 pop reg Value is popped from the stack into register
+ rbiin 1 print chr Value is popped and is output (as character)
+ rboon 1 print Value is popped and is output (as integer)
+ riobn 1 add Pop 2 off stack, push sum
+ rooon 1 sub Pop 2 off stack, push difference
+ riibn 1 mul Pop 2 off stack, push product
+ riion 1 div Pop 2 off stack, push quotient
+ ribon 1 mod Pop 2 off stack, push remainder
+ ronon 1 and Pop 2 off stack, push bitwise and
+ roion 1 or Pop 2 off stack, push bitwise or
+ roibn 1 xor Pop 2 off stack, push bitwise xor
+ riiin 1 dup Push a copy of the top stack value
+ rioin 1 swap Swap the top two stack values
+ rnbon 2 label Mark a jump point in the program. The second
+ word identifies the jump point.
+ rioon 2 jmp Jump to a jump point, identified by the value
+ of the second word.
+ rbion 2 jnz Jump to a jump point, identified by the value
+ of the second word. Only jump if the top
+ stack value is non-zero.
+ roiin 2 call Push return address to the stack and jump to
+ the jump point identified by the second word.
+ ribbn 1 ret Pop return address from the stack and jump
+ to it.
+With this understanding, we can easily modify the interpreter to act as a
+roolang disassembler, outputting the instruction mnemonics for operations used
+by the flag program (following argument data for multi-word instructions).
+See Appendix B for the disassembly I generated. It is annotated with equivalent
+C code to get a better idea of what the program does.
+The program starts out by pushing a bunch of data to the stack for processing.
+What follows is a loop which pops a value, performs math on it, and prints a
+character to the output. A zero value was pushed to the bottom of the stack
+so the program can detect when it has finished.
+Each stack value is XOR'd against the result of a recursive function call
+(identified in the flag program by the label 'robin'). Upon closer inspection,
+robin appears to implement a fibonacci function. The exact logic of the main
+loop is:
+ for (i : 0 => len(data))
+ {
+ print_chr(data[i] ^ robin(i));
+ }
+i gets farily large, which leads to a ton of redundant processing by robin().
+This is what slows the program, preventing us from finishing it in a reasonable
+Dynamic programming solution
+I rewrote the flag program (in Python this time) to leverage dynamic programming
+via memoization to accelerate robin() calculations. Each result produced by the
+function is cached, so that it doesn't need to be re-computed the next time that
+value is part of a call tree. The rest of my program is implemented to match
+the logic of flag.roo verbatim. See Appendix C for this solution code.
+"The flag is ictf{thr33_ch33r5_t0_r00r0bin_th3_b3st_0f_u5_a11_r00h3art_7d2e2642}"
+= Appendix A: =
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import sys
+from PIL import Image
+import numpy as np
+class Stack(list):
+ def push(self, x):
+ self.append(x)
+ def peek(self):
+ return self[-1]
+stack = Stack([])
+program = []
+register = 0
+insn_pointer = 0
+DEBUG = 0
+def robinify(im):
+ tiles = [im[x:x+128,y:y+128,0:4] for x in range(0,im.shape[0],128) for y in range(0,im.shape[1],128)]
+ R = np.asarray("robin.roo"))
+ O = np.asarray("oreos.roo"))
+ B = np.asarray("blind.roo"))
+ I = np.asarray("imag.roo"))
+ N = np.asarray("nobooli.roo"))
+ d = list(zip([R,O,B,I,N], "robin"))
+ ret = ''
+ for c in tiles:
+ for pair in d:
+ if np.all(pair[0]==c):
+ ret += pair[1]
+ break
+ return ret
+def step():
+ global insn_pointer
+ insn = c_insn()
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(insn, program[insn_pointer+1], "@", insn_pointer)
+ eval(insn+"()")
+def run(prog):
+ global insn_pointer, program
+ for ch in prog:
+ if ch not in "robin":
+ print("Syntax Error")
+ exit(1)
+ if len(prog) % 5 != 0:
+ print("Syntax Error")
+ program = [prog[i:i+5] for i in range(0, len(prog), 5)]
+ try:
+ while insn_pointer < len(program):
+ step()
+ insn_pointer += 1
+ if DEBUG:
+ print(stack)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Fatal Error.")
+ raise e
+ print()
+ print(stack)
+def c_insn():
+ return program[insn_pointer]
+def robin():
+ global insn_pointer
+ insn_pointer += 1
+ toPush = c_insn()
+ if toPush == "rinin":
+ stack.push(register)
+ else:
+ words = parseDigit(toPush)
+ toPush = 0
+ for i in range(words):
+ insn_pointer += 1
+ toPush += parseDigit(c_insn())
+ toPush *= 27
+ stack.push(toPush//27)
+def parseDigit(s):
+ return int(s.replace('o', '0').replace('b', '1').replace('i', '2')[1:-1], 3)
+def rboin():
+ stack.pop()
+def riobn():
+ stack.push(stack.pop()+stack.pop())
+def rooon():
+ stack.push(stack.pop()-stack.pop())
+def riibn():
+ stack.push(stack.pop()*stack.pop())
+def riion():
+ stack.push(stack.pop()//stack.pop())
+def ribon():
+ stack.push(stack.pop()%stack.pop())
+def ronon():
+ stack.push(stack.pop()&stack.pop())
+def roion():
+ stack.push(stack.pop()|stack.pop())
+def roibn():
+ stack.push(stack.pop()^stack.pop())
+def riiin():
+ x = stack.pop()
+ stack.push(x)
+ stack.push(x)
+def rioin():
+ x = stack.pop()
+ y = stack.pop()
+ stack.push(x)
+ stack.push(y)
+def rinin():
+ global register
+ register = stack.pop()
+def rbiin():
+ print(chr(stack.pop()), end='', flush=True)
+def rboon():
+ print(stack.pop(), end='', flush=True)
+def rnbon():
+ global insn_pointer
+ insn_pointer += 1
+def rioon():
+ global insn_pointer
+ insn_pointer += 1
+ for i, word in enumerate(program):
+ if word == "rnbon":
+ if i != len(program)-1 and program[i+1] == c_insn():
+ insn_pointer = i+1
+ return
+ print("Label not found!")
+ raise RuntimeError
+def rbion():
+ global insn_pointer
+ if stack.peek():
+ rioon()
+ else:
+ insn_pointer += 1
+def ribbn():
+ global insn_pointer
+ retval = stack.pop()
+ insn_pointer = stack.pop()
+ if DEBUG:
+ print("returning to", insn_pointer)
+ stack.push(retval)
+def roiin():
+ global insn_pointer
+ arg = stack.pop()
+ stack.push(insn_pointer+1)
+ stack.push(arg)
+ rioon()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print("Usage: ./ [filename.roo]")
+ exit()
+ if sys.argv[1].split('.')[-1] != "roo":
+ print("Invalid file format!")
+ exit()
+ with[1]) as f:
+ print("Parsing...")
+ program = robinify(np.asarray(f))
+ print("Running...")
+ run(program)
+ print("Finished execution.")
+= Appendix B: flag.roo annotated disassembly =
+ rnbon label rooon:
+ robin push 0
+ robin push 14472334024676096
+ robin push 8944394323791450
+ robin push 5527939700884769
+ robin push 3416454622906725
+ robin push 2111485077978096
+ robin push 1304969544928756
+ robin push 806515533049347
+ robin push 498454011879172
+ robin push 308061521170150
+ robin push 190392490709200
+ robin push 117669030460982
+ robin push 72723460248127
+ robin push 44945570212756
+ robin push 27777890035307
+ robin push 17167680177653
+ robin push 10610209857675
+ robin push 6557470319826
+ robin push 4052739537835
+ robin push 2504730782038
+ robin push 1548008755937
+ robin push 956722025992
+ robin push 591286729974
+ robin push 365435296253
+ robin push 225851433664
+ robin push 139583862488
+ robin push 86267571223
+ robin push 53316291075
+ robin push 32951280083
+ robin push 20365011165
+ robin push 12586268949
+ robin push 7778742098
+ robin push 4807527027
+ robin push 2971214979
+ robin push 1836311808
+ robin push 1134903217
+ robin push 701408693
+ robin push 433494481
+ robin push 267914343
+ robin push 165580035
+ robin push 102334114
+ robin push 63246016
+ robin push 39088153
+ robin push 24157707
+ robin push 14930304
+ robin push 9227513
+ robin push 5702805
+ robin push 3524541
+ robin push 2178357
+ robin push 1346217
+ robin push 832119
+ robin push 514176
+ robin push 317697
+ robin push 196465
+ robin push 121346
+ robin push 75129
+ robin push 46403
+ robin push 28590
+ robin push 17692
+ robin push 10993
+ robin push 6687
+ robin push 4157
+ robin push 2668
+ robin push 1606
+ robin push 957
+ robin push 534
+ robin push 282
+ robin push 128
+ robin push 176
+ robin push 42
+ robin push 94
+ robin push 2
+ robin push 114
+ robin push 108
+ robin push 100
+ robin push 99
+ robin push 35
+ robin push 103
+ robin push 105
+ robin push 85
+ =========================================================================================
+ ; main
+ rnbon label roobn:
+ robin push 0
+ rinin pop reg i = 0
+ rnbon label rooin:
+ rbion jnz robon for (c on stack) {
+ rioon goto robbn (exit)
+ rnbon label robon:
+ robin push reg
+ roiin call robin int p = c ^ robin(i);
+ roibn xor print(p);
+ rbiin print char i++;
+ robin push reg }
+ robin push 1
+ riobn add
+ rinin pop reg
+ rioon goto rooin
+ rioon goto robbn
+ =========================================================================================
+ ; fib (recursive)
+ rnbon label robin:
+ rbion jnz roion int robin(int arg) {
+ rboin pop if (arg == 0) {
+ robin push 1 return 1;
+ ribbn ret }
+ rnbon label roion: else {
+ riiin dup int x = arg - 1;
+ robin push 1 if (x == 0) {
+ rooon sub return arg; // return 1;
+ rbion jnz roibn }
+ rboin pop
+ ribbn ret
+ rnbon label roibn: else {
+ rboin pop int y = robin(arg - 2);
+ riiin dup int z = robin(arg - 1);
+ robin push 1 return y + z;
+ rooon sub }
+ robin push 0 }
+ rooon sub }
+ riiin dup
+ robin push 1
+ rooon sub
+ robin push 0
+ rooon sub
+ roiin call robin --
+ rioin swap
+ roiin call robin --
+ riobn add
+ rioin swap
+ rboin pop
+ ribbn ret
+ =========================================================================================
+ rnbon label robbn:
+ robin push 0
+ rboin pop
+ robin push 0
+ rboin pop
+= Appendix C: solution =
+solutions = {}
+i = 0
+data = [ 14472334024676096, 8944394323791450, 5527939700884769, 3416454622906725,
+ 2111485077978096, 1304969544928756, 806515533049347, 498454011879172,
+ 308061521170150, 190392490709200, 117669030460982, 72723460248127,
+ 44945570212756, 27777890035307, 17167680177653, 10610209857675,
+ 6557470319826, 4052739537835, 2504730782038, 1548008755937, 956722025992,
+ 591286729974, 365435296253, 225851433664, 139583862488, 86267571223,
+ 53316291075, 32951280083, 20365011165, 12586268949, 7778742098,
+ 4807527027, 2971214979, 1836311808, 1134903217, 701408693, 433494481,
+ 267914343, 165580035, 102334114, 63246016, 39088153, 24157707, 14930304,
+ 9227513, 5702805, 3524541, 2178357, 1346217, 832119, 514176, 317697,
+ 196465, 121346, 75129, 46403, 28590, 17692, 10993, 6687, 4157, 2668,
+ 1606, 957, 534, 282, 128, 176, 42, 94, 2, 114, 108, 100, 99, 35, 103,
+ 105, 85 ]
+def robin(arg):
+ if arg in solutions:
+ return solutions[arg]
+ if arg < 2:
+ return 1
+ ret = robin(arg-2) + robin(arg-1)
+ solutions[arg] = ret
+ return ret
+while len(data) > 0:
+ c = data[-1]
+ data.pop()
+ print(chr(c ^ robin(i)), end="")
+ i += 1