%ifaction unsub%Subject: Goodbye from $list$@$domain$%endif%
%ifaction release reject%Subject: Moderated $list$@$domain$: $subject$%endif%
%ifaction permit obstruct%Subject: Guarded $list$@$domain$: $subaddr$%endif%
%ifaction post%Subject: Posted to $list$@$domain$: $subject$%endif%

%text prologue%

%ifaction unsub%
  %ifreason request%
  %ifreason confirm%
    Thank you for confirming your unsubscribe.
  %ifreason admin%
    An administrator has removed you from the list.
    You have now been removed from the list.

%ifaction release%
  %^%%wrap%You have successfully released the message from <$posteraddr$>
  with subject "$subject$" to the list.

%ifaction reject%
  %^%%wrap%You have successfully rejected the message from <$posteraddr$>
  with subject "$subject$".

%ifaction permit%
  %^%%wrap%You have successfully permitted <$subaddr$> to join the list.

%ifaction obstruct%
  %^%%wrap%You have successfully obstructed <$subaddr$> from joining the

%ifaction post%
  %ifreason confirm%
    Thank you for confirming
  %ifreason release%
    A moderator has released
  %ifreason request%
    Thank you for
  your post with subject "$subject$". It is now being distributed to the