Subject: Post to $list$@$domain$ denied: $subject$
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Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8
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%text prologue%

%wrap%The message from <$posteraddr$> with subject "$subject$" was unable to
be delivered to the list
%ifreason maxmailsize%
  because it exceeded the maximum allowed message size of $maxmailsize$
%ifreason tocc%
  because the list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.
%ifreason access%
  because of an access rule set up by the list administrator.
%ifreason expired%
  because too much time passed without any moderator releasing it.
%ifreason reject%
  because a moderator rejected it.
%ifreason subonlypost%
  because you are not a list subscriber.

  %ifncontrol closedlist%%ifncontrol closedlistsub%
    %^%%text subrelease%

  %ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
    %^%%wrap%If you wish to become a subscriber, you will need to contact a
    list administrator. You can email <$list+$owner@$domain$> to contact the
    list owner.

  %^%%wrap%If you believe you are a subscriber, you are probably subscribed
  with a different email address. To find out which address you are
  subscribed with, refer to the message welcoming you to the list, or look
  at the envelope "Return-Path" header of a message you receive from the
%ifreason modonlypost%
  because you are not a list moderator.

%ifreason maxmailsize%
  %^%(The beginning of the denied message is below.)
  %^%(The denied message is below.)

Content-Type: message/rfc822
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.eml"

%ifreason maxmailsize%
  %^%%originalmail 300%