From fea6ee9debbb5d46e756953afcd3383eb0c23f73 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Malfurious <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 23:06:48 -0400
Subject: mlmmj: Add user configuration directories

Configuration variables for individual mailing lists should go in
subdirectories under `userconfig/lists/`.  The directory name is the
list name and files/directories beginning with a '.' are ignored.

The contents within these list directories should be the list's
"tunable" settings which usually reside in the lists's "control"
directory.  See for more information.

Files under `userconfig/listtext/` are the auto-response messages sent
out by the lists.  The files we store here are shared by all lists, and
much of their contents are parameterized.  This commit adds the default
versions of these files.

Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
 userconfig/listtext/help | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 88 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 userconfig/listtext/help

(limited to 'userconfig/listtext/help')

diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/help b/userconfig/listtext/help
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b104bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/help
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+Subject: Information for $list$@$domain$
+%text prologue%
+Here is some information about the list.
+You can subscribe to the following versions:
+- %wrap%The normal version: Every time a post is sent to the list,
+subscribers receive a copy of it.
+%ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
+  Subscribe by contacting a list administrator.
+  Subscribe by emailing <$list+$subscribe@$domain$>.
+%ifncontrol nodigestsub%
+  %^%- %wrap%The digest version: Subscribers receive multiple posts in a
+  single mail message, at regular intervals, or when a lot of posts have
+  accumulated.
+  %ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
+    Subscribe by contacting a list administrator.
+  %else%
+    Subscribe by emailing <$list+$subscribe-digest@$domain$>.
+  %endif%
+%ifncontrol nonomailsub%
+  %^%- %wrap%The no-mail version: Subscribers do not receive any posts to
+  the list. This means, though, they are able to post to a list which only
+  subscribers may post to, while they follow the list using a web archive or
+  another subscribed email address.
+  %ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
+    Subscribe by contacting a list administrator.
+  %else%
+    Subscribe by emailing <$list+$subscribe-nomail@$domain$>.
+  %endif%
+%ifcontrol submod%
+  %^%%wrap%The list has gatekeepers who will review subscription requests
+  before permitting new members.
+%ifcontrol closedlist%
+  %^%%wrap%Unsubscribe by contacting a list administrator.
+  %^%%wrap%Unsubscribe by emailing <$list+$unsubscribe@$domain$>.
+%wrap%Posts are made by emailing <$list$@$domain$>.
+%ifcontrol subonlypost%%ifncontrol modnonsubposts%
+  %^%%wrap%However, only subscribers may post to the list.
+%ifcontrol moderated%
+  %^%%wrap%The list has moderators who will review all posts before
+  releasing them to the list.
+  %ifcontrol subonlypost%%ifcontrol modnonsubposts%
+    %^%%wrap%The list has moderators who will review posts from
+    non-subscribers before releasing them to the list.
+  %endif%%endif%
+%ifcontrol access%
+  %^%%wrap%The list also has access rules which may affect who can post and
+  which posts are moderated.
+%ifncontrol noget%%ifncontrol noarchive%
+  %^%%wrap%
+  %ifcontrol subonlyget%
+    Anyone
+  %else%
+    Subscribers
+  %endif%
+  can retrieve message number N from the list's archive by sending a message
+  to <$list+$get-N@$domain$> (change the N to the number of the desired
+  message).
+%wrap%You can retrieve the frequently asked questions document for the list
+by sending a message to <$list+$faq@$domain$>.
+%wrap%To contact the list owner, send a message to <$list+$owner@$domain$>.
cgit v1.2.3

From a813f81f1e601ae0798ee4b7287a10d88011384e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Malfurious <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 20:49:42 -0400
Subject: mlmmj: Don't mention FAQ address

It is not currently supported for each list to customize its own FAQ.
Therefore it is pointless to advertise this information in the help

The default response is of course still returned if xxx+faq@domain is
ever contacted, but this makes the feature more hidden.

Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
 userconfig/listtext/help | 3 ---
 1 file changed, 3 deletions(-)

(limited to 'userconfig/listtext/help')

diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/help b/userconfig/listtext/help
index 3b104bc..bfb6fb1 100644
--- a/userconfig/listtext/help
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/help
@@ -81,8 +81,5 @@ subscribers receive a copy of it.
-%wrap%You can retrieve the frequently asked questions document for the list
-by sending a message to <$list+$faq@$domain$>.
 %wrap%To contact the list owner, send a message to <$list+$owner@$domain$>.
cgit v1.2.3