As hinted by the previous commit, the mailnode system is built in a
single docker image for simplicity. Defining multiple Dockerfiles would
lead to many redundant tasks and be harder to maintain. So a common
image for all services is built.
However, the compose file spawns a unique container for each service,
and communication occurs via the filesystem, through volumes. Note also
that some fields in docker-compose.yml are required to be set by the
The mail system is oriented around virtual users, so that nobody needs
their own unix system account. However, best security practice is to
create a dedicated user to own the mails - this user shouldn't be used
for any other purpose. For this, the Dockerfile creates the user
The reason for declaring port exposure for TCP/80 is to enable automated
TLS encryption with nginx-proxy-acme. This port is not actually opened
by the compose file.
Signed-off-by: Malfurious <m@lfurio.us>