path: root/userconfig
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
18 files changed, 603 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/userconfig/lists/.gitkeep b/userconfig/lists/.gitkeep
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/lists/.gitkeep
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/confirm b/userconfig/listtext/confirm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae8cbdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/confirm
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+%ifaction sub%Subject: Confirm subscription to $list$@$domain$%endif%
+%ifaction unsub%Subject: Confirm unsubscribe from $list$@$domain$%endif%
+%text prologue%
+%ifaction sub%
+ %^%%wrap%
+ %ifreason admin%
+ An administrator
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason request%
+ Somebody (and we hope it was you)
+ %endif%
+ has requested that your email address <$subaddr$> be added
+ %iftype normal%
+ to the list. This means every time a post is sent to the list, you will
+ receive a copy of it.
+ %endif%
+ %iftype digest%
+ to the list, to receive digests. This means you will receive multiple
+ posts in a single mail message, at regular intervals, or when a lot of
+ posts have accumulated.
+ %endif%
+ %iftype nomail%
+ to the list, without mail delivery. This means you will not receive any
+ posts to the list, but you are considered a member. This means, for
+ instance, you are able to post to a list which only subscribers may post
+ to, while you follow the list using a web archive or another subscribed
+ email address.
+ %endif%
+%ifaction unsub%
+ %^%%wrap%
+ %ifreason admin%
+ An administrator
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason request%
+ Somebody (and we hope it was you)
+ %endif%
+ has requested that the email address <$subaddr$> be removed from the list.
+%wrap%To confirm you want to do this, please send a message to <$confaddr$>
+which can usually be done simply by replying to this message. The subject
+and the body of the message can be anything.
+After doing so, you should receive a reply informing you that the operation
+If you do not want to do this, simply ignore this message.
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/deny b/userconfig/listtext/deny
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e02b1be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/deny
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+%ifaction sub%Subject: Unable to subscribe to $list$@$domain$%endif%
+%ifaction unsub%Subject: Unable to unsubscribe from $list$@$domain$%endif%
+%ifaction release reject%Subject: Unable to moderate $list$@$domain$%endif%
+%ifaction permit obstruct%Subject: Unable to gatekeep $list$@$domain$%endif%
+%text prologue%
+%ifaction sub%
+ %^%%wrap%You were unable to be subscribed to the list
+ %ifreason disabled%
+ because the
+ %iftype normal% normal %endif%
+ %iftype digest% digest %endif%
+ %iftype nomail% no-mail %endif%
+ version of the list is turned off.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason closed%
+ because people are not allowed to subscribe to this list by email.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason subbed%
+ because you are already subscribed.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason expired%
+ because too much time passed without a gatekeeper permitting your entry.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason obstruct%
+ because a gatekeeper obstructed your entry.
+ %endif%
+%ifaction unsub%
+ %^%%wrap%You were unable to be unsubscribed from the list
+ %ifreason unsubbed%
+ because you are not subscribed.
+ %^%%wrap%If you are receiving messages, perhaps a different email
+ address is subscribed. To find out which address you are subscribed
+ with, refer to the message welcoming you to the list, or look at the
+ envelope "Return-Path" header of a message you receive from the list.
+ %endif%
+%ifaction release reject%
+ %^%%wrap%
+ %ifaction release%
+ You were unable to release the specified post to the list
+ %endif%
+ %ifaction reject%
+ You were unable to reject the specified post
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason notfound%
+ because it could not be found. Perhaps another moderator already
+ released or rejected it, or it expired.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason moderators%
+ because you are not a moderator for the list.
+ %endif%
+%ifaction permit obstruct%
+ %^%%wrap%
+ %ifaction permit%
+ You were unable to permit the specified subscription request
+ %endif%
+ %ifaction obstruct%
+ You were unable to obstruct the specified subscription request
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason notfound%
+ because it could not be found. Perhaps another gatekeeper already
+ permitted or obstructed it, or it expired.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason gatekeepers%
+ because you are not a gatekeeper for the list.
+ %endif%
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/deny-post b/userconfig/listtext/deny-post
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9de308a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/deny-post
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+Subject: Post to $list$@$domain$ denied: $subject$
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
+ boundary="=_$random0$$random1$_="
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+%text prologue%
+%wrap%The message from <$posteraddr$> with subject "$subject$" was unable to
+be delivered to the list
+%ifreason maxmailsize%
+ because it exceeded the maximum allowed message size of $maxmailsize$
+ bytes.
+%ifreason tocc%
+ because the list address was not found in either the To: or CC: header.
+%ifreason access%
+ because of an access rule set up by the list administrator.
+%ifreason expired%
+ because too much time passed without any moderator releasing it.
+%ifreason reject%
+ because a moderator rejected it.
+%ifreason subonlypost%
+ because you are not a list subscriber.
+ %ifncontrol closedlist%%ifncontrol closedlistsub%
+ %^%%text subrelease%
+ %endif%%endif%
+ %ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
+ %^%%wrap%If you wish to become a subscriber, you will need to contact a
+ list administrator. You can email <$list+$owner@$domain$> to contact the
+ list owner.
+ %endif%
+ %^%%wrap%If you believe you are a subscriber, you are probably subscribed
+ with a different email address. To find out which address you are
+ subscribed with, refer to the message welcoming you to the list, or look
+ at the envelope "Return-Path" header of a message you receive from the
+ list.
+%ifreason modonlypost%
+ because you are not a list moderator.
+%ifreason maxmailsize%
+ %^%(The beginning of the denied message is below.)
+ %^%(The denied message is below.)
+Content-Type: message/rfc822
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.eml"
+%ifreason maxmailsize%
+ %^%%originalmail 300%
+ %^%%originalmail%
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/digest b/userconfig/listtext/digest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9fa859
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/digest
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Subject: Digest of $list$@$domain$ issue $digestissue$ ($digestinterval$)
+Topics (messages $digestfirst$ through $digestlast$):
+- %digestthreads%
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/faq b/userconfig/listtext/faq
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28f22fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/faq
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Subject: Frequently asked questions of $list$@$domain$
+Sorry, no FAQ available yet.
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/finish b/userconfig/listtext/finish
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8560bae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/finish
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+%ifaction unsub%Subject: Goodbye from $list$@$domain$%endif%
+%ifaction release reject%Subject: Moderated $list$@$domain$: $subject$%endif%
+%ifaction permit obstruct%Subject: Guarded $list$@$domain$: $subaddr$%endif%
+%ifaction post%Subject: Posted to $list$@$domain$: $subject$%endif%
+%text prologue%
+%ifaction unsub%
+ %^%%wrap%
+ %ifreason request%
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason confirm%
+ Thank you for confirming your unsubscribe.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason admin%
+ An administrator has removed you from the list.
+ %else%
+ You have now been removed from the list.
+ %endif%
+%ifaction release%
+ %^%%wrap%You have successfully released the message from <$posteraddr$>
+ with subject "$subject$" to the list.
+%ifaction reject%
+ %^%%wrap%You have successfully rejected the message from <$posteraddr$>
+ with subject "$subject$".
+%ifaction permit%
+ %^%%wrap%You have successfully permitted <$subaddr$> to join the list.
+%ifaction obstruct%
+ %^%%wrap%You have successfully obstructed <$subaddr$> from joining the
+ list.
+%ifaction post%
+ %^%%wrap%
+ %ifreason confirm%
+ Thank you for confirming
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason release%
+ A moderator has released
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason request%
+ Thank you for
+ %endif%
+ your post with subject "$subject$". It is now being distributed to the
+ list.
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/finish-sub b/userconfig/listtext/finish-sub
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64337a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/finish-sub
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+Subject: Welcome to $list$@$domain$
+%text prologue%
+%ifreason request%
+ Thank you for your request to join us.
+%ifreason confirm%
+ Thank you for confirming your subscription.
+%ifreason permit%
+ A gatekeeper has permitted you to join us.
+%ifreason switch%
+ Your subscription has been switched to the
+ %ifreason admin%
+ An administrator has subscribed you to the
+ %else%
+ You have now been added to the
+ %endif%
+%iftype normal% normal %endif%
+%iftype digest% digest %endif%
+%iftype nomail% no-mail %endif%
+version of the list.
+%wrap%The email address you are subscribed with is <$subaddr$>.
+%ifcontrol closedlist%
+ %^%%wrap%If you ever wish to unsubscribe, you will need to contact a list
+ administrator. You can email <$list+$owner@$domain$> to contact the list
+ owner.
+ %^%%wrap%If you ever wish to unsubscribe, send a message to
+ <$list+$unsubscribe@$domain$> using this email address. The subject and
+ the body of the message can be anything. You will then receive
+ confirmation or further instructions.
+%wrap%For other information and help about this list, send a message to
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/gatekeep-sub b/userconfig/listtext/gatekeep-sub
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba46088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/gatekeep-sub
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Subject: Subscription request for $list$@$domain$: $subaddr$
+%text prologue%
+%wrap%There has been a request from <$subaddr$> to join the
+%iftype normal% normal %endif%
+%iftype digest% digest %endif%
+%iftype nomail% no-mail %endif%
+version of the list.
+%wrap%To permit this, please send a message to <$permitaddr$> which can
+usually be done simply by replying to this message.
+%wrap%If you do not want to do this, either send a message to
+<$obstructaddr$> or simply ignore this message.
+The following gatekeepers have received this mail:
+- %gatekeepers%
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/help b/userconfig/listtext/help
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfb6fb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/help
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+Subject: Information for $list$@$domain$
+%text prologue%
+Here is some information about the list.
+You can subscribe to the following versions:
+- %wrap%The normal version: Every time a post is sent to the list,
+subscribers receive a copy of it.
+%ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
+ Subscribe by contacting a list administrator.
+ Subscribe by emailing <$list+$subscribe@$domain$>.
+%ifncontrol nodigestsub%
+ %^%- %wrap%The digest version: Subscribers receive multiple posts in a
+ single mail message, at regular intervals, or when a lot of posts have
+ accumulated.
+ %ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
+ Subscribe by contacting a list administrator.
+ %else%
+ Subscribe by emailing <$list+$subscribe-digest@$domain$>.
+ %endif%
+%ifncontrol nonomailsub%
+ %^%- %wrap%The no-mail version: Subscribers do not receive any posts to
+ the list. This means, though, they are able to post to a list which only
+ subscribers may post to, while they follow the list using a web archive or
+ another subscribed email address.
+ %ifcontrol closedlist closedlistsub%
+ Subscribe by contacting a list administrator.
+ %else%
+ Subscribe by emailing <$list+$subscribe-nomail@$domain$>.
+ %endif%
+%ifcontrol submod%
+ %^%%wrap%The list has gatekeepers who will review subscription requests
+ before permitting new members.
+%ifcontrol closedlist%
+ %^%%wrap%Unsubscribe by contacting a list administrator.
+ %^%%wrap%Unsubscribe by emailing <$list+$unsubscribe@$domain$>.
+%wrap%Posts are made by emailing <$list$@$domain$>.
+%ifcontrol subonlypost%%ifncontrol modnonsubposts%
+ %^%%wrap%However, only subscribers may post to the list.
+%ifcontrol moderated%
+ %^%%wrap%The list has moderators who will review all posts before
+ releasing them to the list.
+ %ifcontrol subonlypost%%ifcontrol modnonsubposts%
+ %^%%wrap%The list has moderators who will review posts from
+ non-subscribers before releasing them to the list.
+ %endif%%endif%
+%ifcontrol access%
+ %^%%wrap%The list also has access rules which may affect who can post and
+ which posts are moderated.
+%ifncontrol noget%%ifncontrol noarchive%
+ %^%%wrap%
+ %ifcontrol subonlyget%
+ Anyone
+ %else%
+ Subscribers
+ %endif%
+ can retrieve message number N from the list's archive by sending a message
+ to <$list+$get-N@$domain$> (change the N to the number of the desired
+ message).
+%wrap%To contact the list owner, send a message to <$list+$owner@$domain$>.
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/list b/userconfig/listtext/list
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52f3be8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/list
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Subject: Subscribers to $list$@$domain$
+%text prologue%
+%wrap%Here is the list of subscribers
+%iftype all%
+ (to all versions of the list):
+ to the
+ %iftype normal% normal %endif%
+ %iftype digest% digest %endif%
+ %iftype nomail% no-mail %endif%
+ version of the list:
+%iftype all normal%
+ %^%- %listsubs%
+%iftype all digest%
+ %^%- %digestsubs%
+%iftype all nomail%
+ %^%- %nomailsubs%
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/moderate-post b/userconfig/listtext/moderate-post
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18944c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/moderate-post
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Subject: Please moderate $list$@$domain$: $subject$
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
+ boundary="=_$random0$$random1$_="
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+%text prologue%
+%wrap%A message from <$posteraddr$> with subject "$subject$" has been
+submitted for posting. You are being asked to moderate
+%ifreason modnonsubposts%
+ because the requester is not a subscriber.
+%ifreason moderated%
+ because this is a moderated list.
+%ifreason access%
+ because of an access rule.
+The message is below.
+%wrap%To release it to the list, please send a message to <$releaseaddr$>
+which can usually be done simply by replying to this message.
+%ifcontrol subonrelease%
+ %^%%wrap%If you wish, you can simultaneously release the post and
+ subscribe the poster by sending a message to one of the following
+ addresses:%nowrap%
+ %^%- %wrap%Normal version: <$listsubreleaseaddr$>%nowrap%
+ %^%- %wrap%Digest version: <$digestsubreleaseaddr$>%nowrap%
+ %^%- %wrap%No-mail version: <$nomailsubreleaseaddr$>%nowrap%
+%wrap%If you do not want to do any of this, either send a message to
+<$rejectaddr$> or simply ignore this message.
+The following moderators have received this mail:
+- %moderators%
+Content-Type: message/rfc822
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.eml"
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/notify b/userconfig/listtext/notify
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c2876c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/notify
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+%ifaction sub%Subject: Subscribed to $list$@$domain$: $subaddr$%endif%
+%ifaction unsub%Subject: Unsubscribed from $list$@$domain$: $subaddr$%endif%
+%text prologue%
+%ifaction sub%
+ %^%%wrap%The address <$subaddr$> has been subscribed to the
+ %iftype normal% normal %endif%
+ %iftype digest% digest %endif%
+ %iftype nomail% no-mail %endif%
+ version of the list
+ %ifreason request%
+ because a request to join was received.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason confirm%
+ because a request to join was confirmed.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason admin%
+ because an administrator commanded it.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason permit%
+ because a gatekeeper permitted it.
+ %endif%
+%ifaction unsub%
+ %^%%wrap%The address <$subaddr$> has been unsubscribed from the list
+ %ifreason request%
+ because a request to unsubscribe was received.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason confirm%
+ because a request to unsubscribe was confirmed.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason admin%
+ because an administrator commanded it.
+ %endif%
+ %ifreason bouncing%
+ because it has been bouncing for too long.
+ %endif%
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/probe b/userconfig/listtext/probe
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..397ebbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/probe
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Subject: Bouncing messages from $list$@$domain$
+%text prologue%
+Some messages to you could not be delivered. If you're seeing this
+message it means things are back to normal, and it's merely for your
+Here is the list of the bounced messages:
+- %bouncenumbers%
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/prologue b/userconfig/listtext/prologue
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0779947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/prologue
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+%wrap%This is an automated message from <$list$@$domain$>.
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/subrelease b/userconfig/listtext/subrelease
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cdae70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/subrelease
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+%^%%wrap%However, this is an open list. If you wish, you can simultaneously
+subscribe and release your post by sending a message to
+<$listsubreleaseaddr$> which can usually be done simply by replying to this
+message. The subject and the body of the message can be anything.
+%ifncontrol nodigestsub%
+ %^%%wrap%Or you can simultaneously subscribe to the digest version of the
+ list and release your post by sending a message to
+ <$digestsubreleaseaddr$> and you will receive multiple posts in a single
+ message, at regular intervals, or when a lot of posts have accumulated.
+%ifncontrol nonomailsub%
+ %^%%wrap%Or you can simultaneously subscribe to the no-mail version of the
+ list and release your post by sending a message to
+ <$nomailsubreleaseaddr$> and you will not receive posts sent to the list.
+ This means you potentially will not see replies to your message, unless
+ you follow the list using a web archive or have another email address
+ subscribed to another version of the list.
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/wait-post b/userconfig/listtext/wait-post
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d30fb5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/wait-post
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Subject: Awaiting release to $list$@$domain$: $subject$
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
+ boundary="=_$random0$$random1$_="
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+%text prologue%
+%wrap%The message from <$posteraddr$> with subject "$subject$" has been
+submitted to the list. However, the moderators are being asked to review it
+before releasing it to the list
+%ifreason moderated%
+ because this is a moderated list.
+%ifreason access%
+ because of an access rule.
+%ifreason modnonsubposts%
+ because you are not a subscriber.
+ %ifncontrol closedlist%%ifncontrol closedlistsub%
+ %^%%text subrelease%
+ %endif%%endif%
+(The message is below.)
+Content-Type: message/rfc822
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Content-Disposition: inline; filename="message.eml"
diff --git a/userconfig/listtext/wait-sub b/userconfig/listtext/wait-sub
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84df549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/userconfig/listtext/wait-sub
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Subject: Awaiting permission to join $list$@$domain$
+%text prologue%
+%wrap%Your request to join the list has been received. However, the
+gatekeepers are being asked to review it before permitting you to join.