## A command-line password manager

Compass is a cross-platform command-line utility for performing secure, offline password management.  Compass stores all of your logins for websites, remote systems, other apps, etc. in a local file which is encrypted with AES256-bit cypher-blockchaining encryption algorithm.  Keychains are base64 encoded and are, therefore, an ASCII file, making it easier to move this file around if need be.

Compass will generate long, random passwords for you to keep your accounts safer!  If you encounter services imposing harmful password rules, such as: 'small' maximum password length, disallowed special chars, etc, you can set options for Compass to customize how random strings are generated.

If you like to routinely change your passwords, you can mark credentials in your keychain for reset, reminding you to go and update them on the respective website or whatever.  This flag is cleared for you when Compass alters the saved password.

For more help, type `compass help` after installation.

Please note, Compass is still early in development (still in ALPHA)!

## Installation
Build Compass with `g++ *.cpp cryptopp562/*.cpp -o compass -lpthread`.  Then move the binary to somewhere in your $PATH.

If building on Windows, you might want to name the binary 'compass.exe' and link winsocks instead of pthreads.  A good place to install the binary to is C:\windows\system32

If building on Linux, I recommend you install xclip as a dependancy.  This program helps with sending passwords to your clipboard.