path: root/cryptopp562/socketft.h
diff options
authorMalfurious <>2024-10-21 11:09:00 -0400
committerMalfurious <>2024-10-24 06:41:41 -0400
commit5494fc310acf0aabb9d828451331e44483eb21c7 (patch)
tree77280a586d52470fca89b9ed73f5f1faaf7907c6 /cryptopp562/socketft.h
parent428471d39fb8c205a9fad899c88c30a2cb7df685 (diff)
Remove Crypto++ library
The tracked version of Crypto++ is going on 10 years old and doesn't always compile properly on modern tooling. This removes the entire subdirectory as well as references to files in the build script. Due to the number of files touched by this commit, I opt to add its replacement in the next commit. Signed-off-by: Malfurious <>
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/cryptopp562/socketft.h b/cryptopp562/socketft.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e414aa6..0000000
--- a/cryptopp562/socketft.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-#include "config.h"
-#include "network.h"
-#include "queue.h"
-# if defined(_WINSOCKAPI_) && !defined(_WINSOCK2API_)
-# error Winsock 1 is not supported by this library. Please include this file or winsock2.h before windows.h.
-# endif
-#include <winsock2.h>
-#include "winpipes.h"
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-typedef ::SOCKET socket_t;
-typedef int socket_t;
-const socket_t INVALID_SOCKET = -1;
-// cygwin 1.1.4 doesn't have SHUT_RD
-const int SD_RECEIVE = 0;
-const int SD_SEND = 1;
-const int SD_BOTH = 2;
-const int SOCKET_ERROR = -1;
-#ifndef socklen_t
-typedef TYPE_OF_SOCKLEN_T socklen_t; // see config.h
-//! wrapper for Windows or Berkeley Sockets
-class Socket
- //! exception thrown by Socket class
- class Err : public OS_Error
- {
- public:
- Err(socket_t s, const std::string& operation, int error);
- socket_t GetSocket() const {return m_s;}
- private:
- socket_t m_s;
- };
- Socket(socket_t s = INVALID_SOCKET, bool own=false) : m_s(s), m_own(own) {}
- Socket(const Socket &s) : m_s(s.m_s), m_own(false) {}
- virtual ~Socket();
- bool GetOwnership() const {return m_own;}
- void SetOwnership(bool own) {m_own = own;}
- operator socket_t() {return m_s;}
- socket_t GetSocket() const {return m_s;}
- void AttachSocket(socket_t s, bool own=false);
- socket_t DetachSocket();
- void CloseSocket();
- void Create(int nType = SOCK_STREAM);
- void Bind(unsigned int port, const char *addr=NULL);
- void Bind(const sockaddr* psa, socklen_t saLen);
- void Listen(int backlog=5);
- // the next three functions return false if the socket is in nonblocking mode
- // and the operation cannot be completed immediately
- bool Connect(const char *addr, unsigned int port);
- bool Connect(const sockaddr* psa, socklen_t saLen);
- bool Accept(Socket& s, sockaddr *psa=NULL, socklen_t *psaLen=NULL);
- void GetSockName(sockaddr *psa, socklen_t *psaLen);
- void GetPeerName(sockaddr *psa, socklen_t *psaLen);
- unsigned int Send(const byte* buf, size_t bufLen, int flags=0);
- unsigned int Receive(byte* buf, size_t bufLen, int flags=0);
- void ShutDown(int how = SD_SEND);
- void IOCtl(long cmd, unsigned long *argp);
- bool SendReady(const timeval *timeout);
- bool ReceiveReady(const timeval *timeout);
- virtual void HandleError(const char *operation) const;
- void CheckAndHandleError_int(const char *operation, int result) const
- {if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) HandleError(operation);}
- void CheckAndHandleError(const char *operation, socket_t result) const
- {if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) HandleError(operation);}
- void CheckAndHandleError(const char *operation, BOOL result) const
- {assert(result==TRUE || result==FALSE); if (!result) HandleError(operation);}
- void CheckAndHandleError(const char *operation, bool result) const
- {if (!result) HandleError(operation);}
- //! look up the port number given its name, returns 0 if not found
- static unsigned int PortNameToNumber(const char *name, const char *protocol="tcp");
- //! start Windows Sockets 2
- static void StartSockets();
- //! calls WSACleanup for Windows Sockets
- static void ShutdownSockets();
- //! returns errno or WSAGetLastError
- static int GetLastError();
- //! sets errno or calls WSASetLastError
- static void SetLastError(int errorCode);
- virtual void SocketChanged() {}
- socket_t m_s;
- bool m_own;
-class SocketsInitializer
- SocketsInitializer() {Socket::StartSockets();}
- ~SocketsInitializer() {try {Socket::ShutdownSockets();} catch (...) {}}
-class SocketReceiver : public NetworkReceiver
- SocketReceiver(Socket &s);
- bool MustWaitToReceive() {return true;}
- ~SocketReceiver();
- bool MustWaitForResult() {return true;}
- bool Receive(byte* buf, size_t bufLen);
- unsigned int GetReceiveResult();
- bool EofReceived() const {return m_eofReceived;}
- unsigned int GetMaxWaitObjectCount() const {return 1;}
- void GetWaitObjects(WaitObjectContainer &container, CallStack const& callStack);
- Socket &m_s;
- bool m_eofReceived;
- WindowsHandle m_event;
- OVERLAPPED m_overlapped;
- bool m_resultPending;
- DWORD m_lastResult;
- unsigned int m_lastResult;
-class SocketSender : public NetworkSender
- SocketSender(Socket &s);
- bool MustWaitToSend() {return true;}
- ~SocketSender();
- bool MustWaitForResult() {return true;}
- bool MustWaitForEof() { return true; }
- bool EofSent();
- void Send(const byte* buf, size_t bufLen);
- unsigned int GetSendResult();
- void SendEof();
- unsigned int GetMaxWaitObjectCount() const {return 1;}
- void GetWaitObjects(WaitObjectContainer &container, CallStack const& callStack);
- Socket &m_s;
- WindowsHandle m_event;
- OVERLAPPED m_overlapped;
- bool m_resultPending;
- DWORD m_lastResult;
- unsigned int m_lastResult;
-//! socket-based implementation of NetworkSource
-class SocketSource : public NetworkSource, public Socket
- SocketSource(socket_t s = INVALID_SOCKET, bool pumpAll = false, BufferedTransformation *attachment = NULL)
- : NetworkSource(attachment), Socket(s), m_receiver(*this)
- {
- if (pumpAll)
- PumpAll();
- }
- NetworkReceiver & AccessReceiver() {return m_receiver;}
- SocketReceiver m_receiver;
-//! socket-based implementation of NetworkSink
-class SocketSink : public NetworkSink, public Socket
- SocketSink(socket_t s=INVALID_SOCKET, unsigned int maxBufferSize=0, unsigned int autoFlushBound=16*1024)
- : NetworkSink(maxBufferSize, autoFlushBound), Socket(s), m_sender(*this) {}
- void SendEof() {ShutDown(SD_SEND);}
- NetworkSender & AccessSender() {return m_sender;}
- SocketSender m_sender;
-#endif // #ifdef SOCKETS_AVAILABLE