path: root/cryptopp562/mqueue.h
diff options
authorMalfurious <>2024-10-24 06:44:24 -0400
committerMalfurious <>2024-10-24 06:44:24 -0400
commit512aa4c77b3dc0d72db713a9215ff65a98a99ec3 (patch)
tree6db82e0109dc987b5b021f81d4e8a0926eb75ff7 /cryptopp562/mqueue.h
parent428471d39fb8c205a9fad899c88c30a2cb7df685 (diff)
parent10affea371406c0ae4c080e5a19390a8e9bd154b (diff)
Merge branch 'mbedtls'
Replace Crypto++ 5.6.2 with Mbed TLS 3.6.0 Newer compilers are starting to show the age of the crypto library we've been using, as it is sometimes a pain to recompile compass lately. So, the tracked version of Crypto++ was at least due for an upgrade. However, I plan to soon begin reimplementing compass in C. So, I'm taking this opportunity to first just migrate the cryptography library to a newer C alternative. This branch does so, and integrates its use into the current C++ version of compass. * mbedtls: Remove unnecessary exception handler catch block Refactor random password generation to use mbedtls entropy source Refactor SHA256 function to use mbedtls Refactor AES functions to use mbedtls Add Mbedtls library Remove Crypto++ library
Diffstat (limited to 'cryptopp562/mqueue.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/cryptopp562/mqueue.h b/cryptopp562/mqueue.h
deleted file mode 100644
index efa57a7..0000000
--- a/cryptopp562/mqueue.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-#include "queue.h"
-#include "filters.h"
-#include <deque>
-//! Message Queue
-class CRYPTOPP_DLL MessageQueue : public AutoSignaling<BufferedTransformation>
- MessageQueue(unsigned int nodeSize=256);
- void IsolatedInitialize(const NameValuePairs &parameters)
- {m_queue.IsolatedInitialize(parameters); m_lengths.assign(1, 0U); m_messageCounts.assign(1, 0U);}
- size_t Put2(const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking)
- {
- m_queue.Put(begin, length);
- m_lengths.back() += length;
- if (messageEnd)
- {
- m_lengths.push_back(0);
- m_messageCounts.back()++;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool IsolatedFlush(bool hardFlush, bool blocking) {return false;}
- bool IsolatedMessageSeriesEnd(bool blocking)
- {m_messageCounts.push_back(0); return false;}
- lword MaxRetrievable() const
- {return m_lengths.front();}
- bool AnyRetrievable() const
- {return m_lengths.front() > 0;}
- size_t TransferTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &transferBytes, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true);
- size_t CopyRangeTo2(BufferedTransformation &target, lword &begin, lword end=LWORD_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL, bool blocking=true) const;
- lword TotalBytesRetrievable() const
- {return m_queue.MaxRetrievable();}
- unsigned int NumberOfMessages() const
- {return (unsigned int)m_lengths.size()-1;}
- bool GetNextMessage();
- unsigned int NumberOfMessagesInThisSeries() const
- {return m_messageCounts[0];}
- unsigned int NumberOfMessageSeries() const
- {return (unsigned int)m_messageCounts.size()-1;}
- unsigned int CopyMessagesTo(BufferedTransformation &target, unsigned int count=UINT_MAX, const std::string &channel=DEFAULT_CHANNEL) const;
- const byte * Spy(size_t &contiguousSize) const;
- void swap(MessageQueue &rhs);
- ByteQueue m_queue;
- std::deque<lword> m_lengths;
- std::deque<unsigned int> m_messageCounts;
-//! A filter that checks messages on two channels for equality
-class CRYPTOPP_DLL EqualityComparisonFilter : public Unflushable<Multichannel<Filter> >
- struct MismatchDetected : public Exception {MismatchDetected() : Exception(DATA_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED, "EqualityComparisonFilter: did not receive the same data on two channels") {}};
- /*! if throwIfNotEqual is false, this filter will output a '\\0' byte when it detects a mismatch, '\\1' otherwise */
- EqualityComparisonFilter(BufferedTransformation *attachment=NULL, bool throwIfNotEqual=true, const std::string &firstChannel="0", const std::string &secondChannel="1")
- : m_throwIfNotEqual(throwIfNotEqual), m_mismatchDetected(false)
- , m_firstChannel(firstChannel), m_secondChannel(secondChannel)
- {Detach(attachment);}
- size_t ChannelPut2(const std::string &channel, const byte *begin, size_t length, int messageEnd, bool blocking);
- bool ChannelMessageSeriesEnd(const std::string &channel, int propagation=-1, bool blocking=true);
- unsigned int MapChannel(const std::string &channel) const;
- bool HandleMismatchDetected(bool blocking);
- bool m_throwIfNotEqual, m_mismatchDetected;
- std::string m_firstChannel, m_secondChannel;
- MessageQueue m_q[2];
-#ifndef __BORLANDC__
-template<> inline void swap(CryptoPP::MessageQueue &a, CryptoPP::MessageQueue &b)
- a.swap(b);